U Thant Peace Award to Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus 1982 Oct 7

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7 October 1982 -U Thant Peace Award presented to Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus

Information to be collected from

  • Meditation at the UN Bulletin
  • A Moments Peace
  • Anahata Nada

Press Samples:












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From: A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter

AMP/1982-03 October 1982

U THANT ISLAND –  7 October at U.N. to dedicate the new memorial arch on U Thant Island and to present the first annual U Thant Award. ASG R. Muller represented the S-G and Deputy Commissioner Van Zaut State of New York .

THE 1982 U THANT AWARD –  AMBASSADOR ZENON ROSSIDES OF CYPRUS. Ambassadors of Algeria and Cyprus recalled U Thant and expressed appreciation for Ambassador Rossides.  Messages also received from:

  • Father James Finlay, President of Fordham University,
  • Hon. Hugh L. Carey, Governor of  New York,


U THANT ISLAND – U Thant was remembered on 7 October in a special ceremony at the U.N. held to dedicate the new memorial arch on U Thant Island and to present the first annual U Thant Award. Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller represented the Secretary-General and Deputy Commissioner Van Zandt was on hand for the State of New York. Ambassadors Sahnoun of Algeria and Moushoutas of Cyprus recalled U Thant’s high contribution to world affairs and expressed the appreciation of the diplomatic community for Ambassador Zenon Rossides, this year’s recipient of the U Thant Award .

The inscription on the Award.

– Long term efforts for world peace, most notably, his work on national security and disarmament issues;
-Personal example in upholding the highest ideals of the United Nations Charter; and
– Lifelong emphasis on the spiritual values that will ultimately lead to a genuine and fulfilling peace.

  • Father James Finlay, President of Fordham University, in referring to U Thant Island stated:

“The Fordham University community reaffirms the soundness of choice that selected this form of memorial to this distinguished world citizen . We, too, in America now have a fragment of the golden land in our midst; as a perpetual and lovely reminder of a country that produced the distinguished individual who deserves the finest accolade our world can bestow-peacemaker among all nations and all men for all time.”

  • Hon. Hugh L. Carey, Governor of  New York, offered his congratulations to Ambassador Rossides and remembered U Thant as “a leader of great conviction and moral strength .”


From:  A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter

AMP/1982-02 September 1982

U THANT ISLAND  –  To commemorate the fifth anniversary of the naming of U Thant Island, a simple but striking arch has been placed on this small island

U Thant Award Recipient –  given to an individual in the international
community who exemplifies through his efforts toward world peace the spiritual values for which the late Secretary-General was well known . The first recipient of the Award:  Ambassador Zennon Rossides of Cyprus, who is highly respected in the U.N. community .


U THANT ISLAND  –  To commemorate the fifth anniversary of the naming of U Thant Island, a simple but striking arch has been placed on this small island facing the United Nations in the East River.

A ceremony to mark the event will take place on 5 October in a conference room facing the island. All members of delegations are cor­dially invited to attend, and those wishing to offer a tribute to the late Secretary-General are kindly request­ed to call. The programme will include the presentation of the first annual U Thant Award.

U Thant Award Recipient –  given to an individual in the international
community who exemplifies through his efforts toward world peace the spiritual values for which the late Secretary-General was well known.

The first recipient of the Award:  Ambassador Zennon Rossides of Cyprus, who is highly respected in the U.N. community for his deep commitment to world peace and his noted expertise in the areas of national security and disarmament.

He shares the late Secretary-General’s deep conviction that only through a strengthening of spiritual values can there be genuine and lasting peace. .


Gallery 2: Building the Oneness Arch on U Thant Island and view approaching on boat from from Queens

Gallery 3: View from UN Secretariat and Circle Line Sightseeing Boat Passengers observing