Meeting with S. Dhillon High-Commissioner of India to Canada 04 Aug 1982
Filed under Tributes and Expressions of appreciationMeeting with Dr. Sardar Dhillon . …….. . … 17
On 4 August 1982 the Indian High Commissioner to Canada, Dr. Sardar Dhillon) met with Sri Chinmoy and members of the meditation group at U.N. Headquarters.
Sri Chinmoy offered Dr. Dhillon a plaque) and the meditation group choir
sang a song written by Sri Chinmoy in his honour.
(Link to excerpts – to be added)
Sri Chinmoy (presenting a plaque) ,’
Sardar Dhillon Sardar
Gyaner guner pahar
Bir Panjabi bir
Chira unnati shir
Bharat matar swadhinata lagi
Jagrata pran sumahan tyagi
Joy hok joy hok hok taba joy
Sabakar lagi antara taba ei maha parichoy
Sardar Dhillon Dhillon Dhillon
Sarthak hok jena moder milon
Sardar Dhillonl
O great chief, O good leader, Dhillonl
Mountain-heights you own
In knowledge-light and virtue-delight.
o hero of heroes, 0 Panjabi captain-hero!
In you we see a divinely silent dignity-pride
To liberate Mother India from her bondage-shackles.
Yours is a life of hallowed sacrifice.
Your heart is for all :
This is your sole identity.
Therefore we proclaim your victory-light.
Sardar Dhillonl
o great chief, 0 good leader, Dhillonl
May our oneness-meeting today
Be supremely fruitful.
Detail form the 1982 July – Aug .Periodic Bulletin “Meditation at the UN”:
Cut and Paste fRom ocr version to be cleaned up.
On 4 August 1982 the Indian High Commissioner
to Canada) Dr. Sardar Dhillon, met with Sri
Chinmoy and members of the meditation group at
u.N. Headquarters. Sri Chinmoy offered Dr.
Dhillon a plaque, and the meditation group choir
sang a song written by Sri Chinmoy in his honour.
Following are excerpts from the programme.
Dr. Sardar Dhillon: Indian Hugh Commissioner
to Canada:
Most revered Swami Chinmoydi, his colleagues and followers, I am very grateful to those who arranged my meeting with Swami
Chinmoydi and with all of you, to whom I am able to pay my homage. As a matter of fact, I have been acquainted with Swamiji’s work for many years.
Then last year when I visited the Maritime Provinces
of Canada and, more particularly, your
International Meditation Centre in Nova Scotia I
had a very rare opportunity to sit amongst the
members of the congregation, to meditate along
with them and to listen to Swami Chinmoydi’s
teachings. I have always been looking forward to
person ally meeting Swamiji. I am very grateful that
I have realised my ambition and am in his august
presence. I assure you that I have a sense of inward
satisfaction by being here.
I have been very much impressed by the warmth
that you and your students have shown me, and I
am very grateful to you. We have much in common
inwardly. The only difference I find is that we may
have a different form of religion outwardly. In the
conventional sense we may go by this religion or
that religion. I am a very fi rm believer in the
teachings of the Vedas. That is the most rational
philosophy that I have come across. It is sometimes
a source of great solace to me amidst the confusion
and misery of the world, particularly in the modern
age. When we forget for a moment the world’s
problems and meditate, remember our Creator,
our Lord, and allign our spirits with His divine
Being, then we are at one with Him, and for the
time being all our worldly worries are gone.
Swamiji, I am grateful that you are working in
such a place as the United Nations to spread your
message to the whole world. I pray to the Lord that
He will give you long life and strength to enable
you to spread your vision to all human beings.
Thank you very much.
Sri Chinmoy (presenting a plaque) ,’ Only in
silence can I offer you my heart’s most soulful
gratitude. This silence will convey what I truly and
soulfully feel. What I have said in my song
expresses all my heart’s feelings. This plaque is a
most humble token of my heart’s deepest gratitude.
With this plaque we offer all our heart’s love,
devotion and admiration for you.
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