Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 05-06; 27 May – Jun 1982, Bulletin

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May, June 1982 report on events

 Content Highlights:

Tribute to Japan …. 7
National Day of Prayer Observance …. 13
Rabindranath Tagore’s Birthday Celebrated . … 18
A Farewell to Yvette Ripplinger . .. 25
I Shall Not Avoid ..• Dag Hammarskjold Lecture….. 30
Programmes for Disannament ……………. 32
One-Mile Fun Runs at the United Nations . .. . . . 47
Meditation Group Member Wins Crimefighter Award … 53

Expanded Content List

(with some descriptive narrative) – Section to be edited

Tribute to Japan …. 7

A special programme was sponsored by the meditation group on 3 May 1982 to honour Japan on the occasion of Emperor Hirohito’s eighty first birthday} which occurred 29 April.

Mr. Shigo Iwaz~ coordinator of the Japanese Staff Members’ Committee} Mr. Ron Richard from the Japan Society} and Ms. Eiko Yokota from the Nippon
Club were special guests} along with other Japanese staff members.

The meditation group choir performed a song dedicated to Emperor Hirohito entitled “Pinnacle Son of Japan” and four other songs about Japan, all composed by Sri Chinmoy.

At the close of the programme all the Japanese guests joined to sing their national anthem.

Link to excerpts from the programme as well as the song dedicated to the Emperor. ( to be added)


Emperor, 0 pinnacle-son of Japan,
I salute thee.
Your heart of wisdom-light,
Your mind of vision free.
Beauty’s land and duty’s hand
Love and treasure your pole-star eye.
Harmony, peace and bliss rain
From the Emperor’s oneness-sky.

National Day of Prayer Observance …. 13

The sixth of May was proclaimed the National Day of Prayer by United States President Ronald Reagan, as a time for individuals and groups ” to turn to God in prayer and meditation.”

In the spirit of this proclamation the meditation group again coordinated a programme at the United Nations to celebrate the day accorded by the host
country to be set aside for prayer.

U. N. delegates and staff joined the group at Headquarters on 7 May, with H.E. Mr. Gerard Pelletier, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, offering a short prayer.

Statements were also read out from the Permanent Representatives of The
Bahamas, Brazil and Japan. Link to excerpts from the programme – to be added.

Rabindranath Tagore’s Birthday Celebrated . … 18

The Tagore Society of New York and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan invited Sri Chinmoy to be the guest of honour at a programme held at the United Nations the evening of 8 May 1982 marking the 121st birthday of India’s greatest poet) Rabindranath Tagore.

Sri Chinmoy spoke and the meditation group singers performed two songs he had dedicated to Tagore.

The evening’s programme also included a talk by the Reverend Donald S. Harrington, Senior Minister, Community Church of New York,  as well as performances of Tagore’s songs and Indian dancing.

Dr. P. Jayaraman (left), Executive Director of  Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan of the U.S.A.) presents Sri Chinmoy with a special garland of honour before his talk.

Sri Chinmoy offers his garland in his pranam to the picture of Rabindranath Tagore.


Kabindra Rabindranath
A marar bani sakkat
Banger bharater kailash santan
Sima gehe peyechhile asimer sandhan
Dyuloker bhuloker maha setu nirjhar
Rishi kabi anupama prachurjya bhashwar

Link to excerpts from the programme to be added.

See more PDF images form grey scale scan of photos :

A Farewell to Yvette Ripplinger . .. 25

On 10 May 1982 the meditation group held a farewell progtamme for Ms. Yvette RzpplingerJ a member of the group who recently retired after over thirty-six years of service to the United Nations.

Ms. Ripplinger spoke about her varied experiences during her career here and also read some of her poetry which she had selected to highlight her reminiscences.

At the end of the programme Sri Chinmoy presented Ms. Rzpplinger with a plaque and flowers and thanked her for her good will and support over the years. Link to excerpts from the programme (to be added).

I Shall Not Avoid ..• Dag Hammarskjold Lecture….. 30

On 15 June 1982 Sri Chinmoy gave the following talk as as part of his Dag Hammarskjold lecture series. (Link to be added)

Programmes for Disarmament ……………. 32

In June 1982 the meditation group held three programmes on the occasion of the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament.

The First was a meditation in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on 7 June, the opening day of the Session, where delegates and staff joined to pray and meditate for the success of the Session.

On 21 June the group hosted a concert and luncheon at Headquarters, with guest speaker Mrs. Margaret Y. Catley-Carlson, Deputy Executive
Director, (Operations) of the United Nations Children’s
Fund, launching the group’s special lecture series for women in the internatnational community.

Mrs. Zenon Rossides of Cyprus (left), who served as hostess for the concert and luncheon, thanks Mrs. Catley-Carlson for her illumining talk.

The third programme, held on 28 June, featured guest speaker Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus, who has served as a member of the Group
of Experts on the Relationship between Disarmament and International Secur£ty, as appointed by the Secretary-General.

Mr. Vernon Ferwerda, and Members of the Vermont Peacemakers, a youth organisation of the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ, joined the meditation group for the occasion.

Link to transcripts from the second and third programmes (to be added).

One-Mile Fun Runs at the United Nations . .. . . . 47

The spring edition of the one-mile fun runs at the United Nations was off to a roaring start-and finish – with close to eighty delegates and Secretariat, mission, and non-governmental organization staff members and their children testing their running speed in races held on 11 and 13 June.

  • The United Nations Development Programme captured the first place team prize with an average time of 5: 58 for their first three runners. Anton Deiters led the team with a 5: 13 finishing time, which placed him second over all and first in the 40-49 age category.
  • First place over all went to Martin Bentz of the Office of General Services, who clocked in at 5: 03. Led by Martin, the Office of General Services captured the second place team prize, while the Population Division of DIESA took third.
    Beverly Rouse of the Syrian Mission broke the women’s course record with a fast 6: 02, and right behind her, finishing in 6: 03, was Andrea Ruttinger of UNICEF. Viviane Pliner of DIEC took third place with a time of 6: 05 .
  • Norway was the speediest and best represented Mission in the races. They were helped to a first place Mission team prize by the efforts of Arne Trebolt , who stood first in the delegates’ race.
  • Claude-Philippe Lim, son of Mrs. Helena Maria Lim of P A TD, captured first place in the under 18 category with a time of 5: 56.
  • (Link to race results to be added)

Meditation Group Member Wins Crimefighter Award … 53

An interesting article by Mr. Alex Michelini appeared in the NY Daily News on 23 May 1982. It began, “A woman who works at the United Nations, spends an hour a day in ‘meditation and directs a choir, has won the $1,000 Daily News Crimefighter of the Week Award for leading a wheel-screeching car chase that nailed a suspected thief. “

Friends and colleagues are very proud of the winner of the award, Ms. Tanima Bossart of UNDTCD/ CPB Data Processing Unit, who is a member of the meditation group. Link to be added of the article, which shows Ms. Bossart receiving the $1,000 check from the Assistant City Editor.

About the  Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.



______ 1982 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations

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