International Observance of U.N. Day 24 Oct 1981
Filed under UN Anniversaries- In conjunction with the meditation group’s United Nations Day programme at U.N. Headquarters in New York, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centres again organised various activities around the world to highlight U.N. Day in 1981.
- brief accounts of a few of these special performances, ceremonies and athletic events, which are one way the Centres bring to the public attention the importance of the United Nations principles and work.
Boston, Massachusetts
San Francesco, California
U. N. Day supporters carry a display of flags of the 154 M ember States, bringz·ng attention to U.N. Day in San Francisco.
Washington, D. C.
Seattle, Washington
Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. (Canada)
- UN. Day cyclists meet at the International Peace Arch at the Canadian-American border at the start of their UN. Day cyclathon.
- Members of local ethnic groups in national
costumes in Victoria’s UN. Day parade.- Notables at the U.N. Day flag-raising ceremonies,
From left to right : Charles Barber, M.L.A. , representing the Legislature; William Tindall, Mayor oJ Victoria; ID. Watts, Mayor oJ Oak Bay; GeoJJ Vantreight, Alderman Jrom Saanich; Colin Blair, Alderman Jrom Esquimalt; and Arnold Rannering, past President of UNA.UNITED KINGDOM AND EUROPE
- London, U. K.
- Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland
- u.N. Day cyclists in Scotland.
- Scottish cyclists at the Consulate of the Federal
Republic of Germany.- Switzerland, France, Federal Republic of Germany
- Runners from Switzerland, France and theFederal Republic of Germany participated in arelay run between the “twin” cities of Freiburg,Germany and Besancon, France.
- The 230-kilometrerelay started on 24 October at the Freiburg Town Hall at 2 p.m. and ended at the Besancon Town Hall at 10 a.m. the next day.
(with some descriptive narrative) – Section to be added /edited spell check – especially for name
see also text at
Gallery 2: Scanned photos: