Panama President, Aristides Royo, Reception Sep 1981

Filed under americas | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

Sri Chinmoy was inspired to dedicate a song to the President of the Republic of Panama,  Aristides Royo. During his first visit to New York  on 29 and 30 September 1981, President Royo  addressed the United Nations General Assembly, and also hosted a reception in honour of Secretary General  Kurt Waldheim at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

(This excerpt is taken from pamphlet:

It was at this reception that the President and Sri  Chinmoy met for the first time. Sri Chinmoy thanked the President for having given him  Panama’s highest honour, and presented him with  a copy of the song he had written.

Deeply moved.  President Royo requested some of the Meditation  Group singers accompanying Sri Chinmoy to sing it  then and there.

After the impromptu performance.  the President said to Sri Chinmoy : “Thank you  very much for this song. This is the most beautiful  gift that I have received here in New York .”

Following are the words of the song dedicated to  President Royo:


President Royo, 0 pinnacle-pride of Panama!

A vision-sun in God’s Cosmic Drama.

O swiftest deer-speed, O bravest lion-strength!

Yours is the heart of boundless oneness-length.



Above: President Royo of Panama greets Sri Chinmoy  at the Panama State reception on 30 September  1981 .

Below: Sri Chinmoy presents the President with a  copy of the song he had written in his honour.



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H .E. Dr. Carlos Ozores Typaldos, Permanent Representative  of Panama to the United Nations (left)  speaks with Sri Chinmoy at the Panama reception.

Other Photos from the event












More Photos are in Gallery 1 and 2 below

PDF format of report in periodic Bulletin : “Meditation at the United Nations”  Sep-Oct 1981


See Page-images 9  to 11

Gallery 3 below is jpg format

Gallery 1:   Or click on image below for bigger JPG images

Gallery 2 : Shraddha

Galery 3:

JPG scanned page images 09 to 11 “Meditation at the UN” Sep-Oct  1981