International Red Cross Committee ICRC .Geneva 16 Jun 1980

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During a European lecture and concert tour last spring, Sri Chinmoy met privately with several world figures. An account of his meeting in the Vatican with Pope John Paul II appeared in the July 1980 bulletin. Sri Chinmoy also met with several dignitaries while in Geneva on 16 June.

Following is brief excerpt from his meeting with Mr. Pestalozzt, Vice-President of the International Red Cross Committee.

1980-06-20 GermanyPestalozzi Red Cross


See elsewhere for brief excerpts;

Meeting with the Vice-President of the International Red Cross Committee
Mr. Pestalozzz~ Vice-President, International Red Cross Committee:
We thank you for your moral sup-port …. Everybody needs spiritual support.
Sri Chinmoy: I support the Red Cross whole-heartedly. It is a unique contribution,man’s unique contribution to God. In life, nothing is as important as selfless service.

(Reprinted here is the song dedicated to the R ed Cross by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his students during the meeting .

 RED CROSS Words and music  by Sri Chinmoy

Red Cross, Red Cross, Red Cross!

To save the human soul From sorrow-failure-loss

Yours is the self-giving role.

Compassion, oneness-cry!

Heaven-glories in you fly.
