Batik Art lecture and exhibit co-sponsored by Mission of Sri Lanka and Meditation Group 1980 Apr 21

Filed under Art Exhibits | asia-oceana


On 21 April 1980 a batik art lecture and exhibition was sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations and Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations) with introductory remarks by His Excellency Mr. Nadarajah Balasubramaniam, Deputy Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations.


Mr. Vzpula Dharmawardena, a leading artist lecturer from Sri Lanka who has held many solo exhibitions and participated in fifteen world fairs gave a superb explanation and presentation of original art. Brief excerpts from the programme follow.

His Excellency Mr. Nadarajah Balasubramaniam, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to the United Nations :


Ladies and gentlemen, at the outset I express sincere thanks on behalf of Sri Lanka to Sri Chinmoy Peace Meditation at the United Nations for having organised this exhibition of batik art by Mr. Vipula Dharmawardena.

Vipula started life as an art teacher, and he took to batik art as a hobby during this period. Over the years, Vipula mastered the art so well that today his name is synonymous with batik in our country.

He is one of the foremost proponents of the batik art in Sri Lanka. He has held over seventy solo exhibitions in different parts of the world, and has participated in fifteen world fairs.

His works adorn the headquarters building of the United Nations in Geneva as well as the World Bank and the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.

It is a privilege to be able to view a sample of his works today in this room.

Vipula has been able to capture the exotic colours and the tropical beauty of Sri Lanka, using a wealth of detail. One sees the flora and fauna of Sri Lanka vividly portrayed in the striking works around you.

One also sees the influence of the folk art of Sri Lanka in these works. Vipula has indeed succeeded in bringing a touch of Sri Lanka into this auditorium today and for that we are extremely grateful to him. 11



Mr. Vlpula Dharmawardena, leading artist lecturer from Sri Lanka:

Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to be with you this afternoon to explain the art of batik.

I cannot do a demonstration because the auditorium is not suitable for that, but I do have some samples with me.

From various records, we learn that the art of batik is a very primitive method of textile printing.

Before the invention of silk screen printing or more sophisticated printing, this was the main method used by people for printing a piece of cloth.

It originated in Egypt and in China and later its influence spread to Asia and Southeast Asia.

In Sri Lanka we have samples dating back three to four hundred years, when batik was used for clothing for both men and women.





(A technical explanation and discussion of some works on display


was followed by a question and answer period.)


The Peace Meditation Choir also performed at the event



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