15 Questions and Answers about the United Nations – May 1979
Filed under Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Talks about the UN Heart-HomeSri Chinmoy answered the following questions during a meeting of the Meditation Group, held on 9 May 197 9 in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium:
- How does the Supreme see the United Nations?
- Will the dream that began with the League of Nations need yet another organisation to manifest itself?
- Will the United Nations grow in to a world government?
- When peace is finally established on earth, what then will be the function of the United Nations?
- What is the most significant change that you have seen at the United Nations since you have been here?
- In what way does the Supreme work most effectively through the United Nations?
- What is the United Nations achieving spiritually in the least developed countries o the world?
- Many countries are outwardly critical of the United Nations. What is their inner attitude?
- On what principles should the United Nations be unyielding and uncompromising?
- What is the supreme role of each individual nation for the United Nations?
- Is world peace possible without the United Nations?
- How far is the United Nations from accomplishing the ideals of its founders?
- Why is progress at the United Nations so slow?
- How can the United Nations improve its role in inspiring the seeker in humanity?
- Does the United Nations itself have special divine protection from bombs, violent riots and so forth?
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Appear in : Meditation at the United Nations – Vol VIII, No 1, 27 January 1980, Periodic Bulletin