Meditation at UN – Vo 07, No 03; 27 Mar 1979, Bulletin
Filed under z- no categoryTABLE OF CONTENTS
Farewell to U Thant’s Family 1:
Leonard Bernstein and Sri Chinmoy 8 :
In India’s Heart the Universal Child 39
Dedication to the International Year of the Child
Questions and Answers 46
• On meditation and spirituality
Question: How can we forget our past ?
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(TABLE OF CONTENTS- with article introductions)
(see links to individual articles)
Farewell to U Thant’s Family 1:
On 16 March 1979 the Meditation Group bade farewell to U Thant’s f amily – his wife, Mrs. Thant, his daughter and son -in-law, Aye-Aye and Tyn Myint-U; and their four children. Sri Chinmoy led silent prayer and Mr. Robert Muller, Secretary of the Economic and Social Council, and Mr. Donald Keys, President of Planetary Citizens, offered their reflections about U Thant and his family. Link for Excerpts from the programme.
Leonard Bernstein and Sri Chinmoy 8 :
On 21 March 1979 the master composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein invited Sri Chinmoy and members of the Meditation Group Choir to his apartment in New York City for an exchange of philosophy and music. The Choir performed a song Sri Chinmoy had written in Leonard Bernstein’s honour arranged and conducted by French composer Olivier Greif, one of Sri Chinmoy’s students visiting from Paris. A portion of the afternoon’s enlightening and inspiring conversation as well as Sri Chinmoy’s song appear below at the linked article. Also there is a song composed after the meeting by Mr. Bernstein as a gracious “Thank You ” to Sri Chinmoy.
In India’s Heart the Universal Child 39
On 27 March 1979, as an expression of the Government of India ‘s oneness with the cause of the International Year of the Child, H.E. Dr. Rikhi Jaipal, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, presented to Assistant Secretary-General Dr. Estefania Aldaba-Lim, Special Representative for IYC, a painting selected f rom the works of Sri Chinmoy. linked article
• Dedication to the International Year of the Child
Also featured at the reception – luncheon held at the United Nations in honour of the occasion, was the premiere of a song dedicated to IYC by Sri Chinmoy. This song was used as a sound-track for a fine arts film produced especially for IYC that was shown at the luncheon.
Questions and Answers 46
• On meditation and spirituality
Question: How can we forget our past ?
Sri Chinmoy: How can you forget the past. Before you can answer that question, first you have to know something about peace, light and power. “What is peace ?” A child is peacefu l when you give him a toy. He plays with the toy for about ten or fifteen minutes and while he is playing he is making noise. The very noise that he is making is giving him a sense of peace. He is making noise and disturbing us, but that noise is his perfect…..(m0re)
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Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations is an association of U.N. delegates, staff, NGO representatives and accredited press correspondents, who believe that inner reflection and meditation can bring us in touch with the founding spirit of the United Nations and inspire renewed dedication to its ideals.
The main focus of our activities is our twice-weekly meditations which provide an opportunity for quiet spiritual renewal in an atmosphere reflective of the highest purposes of the world organisation. In addition, through an ongoing series of conferences and symposia, we provide forums where ambassadors, Secretariat officials and staff, religious leaders and other world-minded individuals can share and reinforce their spiritual vision for the United Nations.
The Meditation Group was founded in 1970 when the distinguished spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy was invited to conduct non-denominational meditations at New York Headquarters. Since then, the Group ‘s membership has grown considerably and its expanded activities have been warmly received by the U.N. community.
Since January, 1973, Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations has published the bulletin, Meditation at the United Nations. This publication offers a basic introduction to meditation techniques and spirituality through questions and answers and lectures, and also reviews the Group’s activities.
Copyright @ 1979 by Sri Chinmoy
This information is presented as a service and does not necessarily represent the official views of the United Nations or its Agencies.
United Nations:
the Heart -Home
of the World-Body
WE BELIEVE and we hold that each man has the potentiality of reaching the Ultimate Truth.
We also believe that man cannot and will not remain imperfect forever.
Each man is an instrument of God.
When the hour strikes, each individual soul listens to the inner dictates of God.
When man listens to God,
his imperfections are turned into perfections,
his ignorance into knowledge,
his searching mind into revealing light and
his uncertain reality into all-fulfilling Divinity.
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