1978 Report to the Secretary-General: Contents, Index (searchable)

Filed under Significant events & meetings | Special programmes





The members of Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations are grateful to be able to present again our annual Devoted Report to the Secretary-General, outlining our programmes and activities during 1978.  We humbly dedicate our efforts to serve the United Nations community to our dear Secretary-General, whose unflagging devotion to the cause of world peace stands as a constant inspiration and  example to each of us.


(searchable with links)


Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations 1
World Day of Peace 1978 2
Special Concert for Accounts Division Staff 2
A Concert Highlighting India’s Music 3
Programme in Honour of Australia’s Foundation Day 4
Music of Sri Lanka 4
Mr. Donald Keys Honoured 5
U.N . Painting Completes World Tour 6


Abraham Lincoln: The Emancipation Consciousness 7
Presentation of “O My Australia” Banner 8


Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day 9
A Visit to the Riverdale Country School 10
Peace Corps Anniversary Celebration 11


Eight Years of Service to the United Nations 14


Musical Lecture-Demonstration by C. V. Narasimhan 15
First Prize in 24-Hour Bicycle Marathon 16
UNESCO Festival Concert in Paris 16


A Meeting with Indian Prime Minister Desai 17


Meetings with the Consuls-General of India 18


Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI 19
Sri Chinmoy Honoured by New York City 20


Receptions at the Jharna-Kala Gallery 21
Prayer Ceremony for Pope John Paul I 23


United Nations Day Observed 24
Participation in the New York City Marathon 25
U.N. Day Celebrated Around the World 26
A Meeting with the Secretary-General 27
India Honoured 29


Norman Rockwell: Artist of Americana 29
“Liberia Day” Celebration 30
Programme for “Panama Day” 30
Devotional Concert at the Hindu Temple Society 31
International Thanksgiving 1978 32


 Eleanor Roosevelt: Dedicated Server 34
Benefit Runs for UNICEF and UNESCO 3S
Japan and Italy Honoured 36
Human Rights Day Programme 37
Happy Anniversary, Austria ; Happy Birthday, Secretary-General 39
A Visit with Ambassador and Mrs. Zenon Rossides 41
Publications available from Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations 42

Index 43




Abe , Ambassador lsao. 36
Algappan, Dr. A” 31
Angel, Mr. William David , 11, 12
Asangono , Ambassador E. Owono , 32, 33
Boaten, Ambassador Frank E. 11
Brown, Mr. Sam , 11, 12
Butterfield, Mr. Jim, 35
Carter, President Jimmy, 19
Caruso , Ms. Joanne, 16
Castro de Barish, Sra. Emilia, 9
Cheli, Arch bishop Giovanni, 2, 23
Colon, Mr. Raphael Hernandcz-, 21
Delong, Ms. Nirjha ri, 16, 25
Desai, Prime Minister M” 17
Dodd, Mr. Christopher John, 11
Drahman. Mr. Thomas, 13
Furma n, Mr. Keith, 10, 16
Geiger, Colonel, 32
Greif, Mr. Olivie r, 16
Haidar . Mr. Salman, 3
Harris, Mr. Rex, 8
Harry, Ambassador Ralph L” 4
Hepburn , Ambassador Davidson L” 32
Humphrey, Mr . Hubert (award) , 11
Ibrahim, Ambassador Tan Sri Zaiton. 11
Illueca, Ambassador Jorge Enrique, 7, 8, 30
Imam, Mr. Zaim, 32, 33
Iaipal , Ambassad or Rikhi, 37
Jones, Ms. Karyne, 7, 8
Kauff, Mr. Arthur, 25
Keys, Mr. Donald, 5, 9, 14, 19, 24
Kobes, Dr. Jasperdean. 11, 13
Koch , Mayor Edward I. , 20
Lincoln, President Abraham, 7
Linzer , Ms. Estelle , 34
Lowenstein, Ambassador Allard, 11, 13,34, 35
Maina, Ambassador C. G., 32
Mayrhofer-Grunbuhel, Mr. Ferdinand , 39-40
Mehrotra, Mr. L. L., 19
Murray, Ms. Pa tricia, 9
Myint-U. Dr. and Mrs. Tyn . 10
Narasimhan, Mr. C. V” 3, 15
Nevile, Mr . Pra n. 18
Nyamekye, Mr. K, F., 37
Ofosu-Benefo . Mr. Kwandwo, 14
Ortner , Mr. Gustav, 39
Pope John Paul I, 23
Pope Paul VI, 2, 19
Ramcharan, Mr. B” 37
Radrigo, Mr. Niha l, 4
Richardson, Ambassador Elliot, 21-22
Richardson, Sister Janet , 9, 23
Ripplinger, Ms. Yvett e, 9
Rockwell, Mr . Norman , 29
Roosevelt, Mr. Curtis, 34
Roosevelt, Mrs , Elean or , 34
Rose, Ambassador Harald , 32
Rossides, Ambassador Zenon, 22, 24, 28, 41
Rossides, Mrs , Zeno n, 41
Schmittlein, Mr. Christian , 32, 33
Soffer, Ambassador Ovadia . 7
Sri Chinmoy, 14, 17, 18,20,27-28, 31, 35
Subba Rao , Mr. Gha nd ikota, 29, 31
Subba Rao, Mr. K., 31
Sumper, Ms . Anu padi , 2
Thomas, Ambassador David M., 7, 24, 30
U Thant , 10,19
Vinci, AmbassadorPiero , 36
Waldheim, Secre ta ry-Ge nera l Kurt,
–     Birthday celebrated , 39-40
–     Meeting with, 27-28
–     Statement by, 19
Ward, Mr. Haskell, I l . 12


Australia, 6, 26
–    Anniversary, 4
–     Banner presentation, 8
Austria, anniversary , 39
Bahamas, 32
Bermuda, 35
Canada , 26
Cyprus , 22, 24, 28, 41
Costa Rica , 9
England, 6
Equatorial Guinea , 32, 33
France, 16
German Democratic Republic, 32
Germany, Federal Republic of, 32, 33
Ghana, 11, 37
India, 37
–     Anniversary , 29
–     Consuls-General , 18
–     Music, 3, 15
–     National Day , 3
–     Prime Minister, 17
Israel, 7
Italy, Anniversa ry , 36
Ja pan, Anniversary, 36
Kenya , 32
Kuwait, 32, 33
Liberia , 7, 24
–     Anniversa ry, 30
Panama , 7
–    Anniversary , 30
Puerto Rico, 21
Scotland, 6
Sri Lanka, 4
Sweden, 32
Switzerland, 6, 26
U.S.A. 18, 21-22, 26
–    Abraham Lincoln tribute, 8
–    New York City honours Sri Chinmoy , 20
Peace Corps Anniversary, 11-13


ACTION, 11, 12
Association of Democratic Lawyers , 9
Hindu Temple Society of North America , 31
Holy See, 2, 9, 23
International Medical and Research Foundation, 13
Johnson Foundation , 34
National Council of Black Women, 9
New York City Commission for Community Development, 11, 12
Peace Corps, 11
Planetary Citizens, 5, 9, 14, 19, 24
UNESCO , 16, 35
United Nations,
–      Accounts Division, 2
–     Centre of Social Development and Human itar ian Affai rs, 11, 12
–     Department of IESA, 29, 31. 34
–     Div. of Public Administration and Finance , 22
–     Human Rights Division , 37
United Nations Day , 24, 26
United States Congress, 11
World Education , Inc., 11, 13


(All Country programmes are listed under the country heading )

Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations, 14
–     Hindu Temple Society, 31
–     India nMusical Demonstration, 15
–     UNESCO Festival , 16
Human Rights Day , 37
Lincoln, Abraham, tribute, 7
Peace Corps Annive rsa ry , 11
Pope Paul VI, Memorial Service for, 19
Roosevelt, Eleanor, tribute, 34-35
Thanksgiving, International, 32
United Nations Day, 24
Women’s Day, International, 9
World Day of Peace, 2


BicycleMarathon, 16
Jharna-Kala Gallery, 6, 21-22
Heart-Home of the World-Body (painting), world tour, 6
New York City Marathon, 25
Riverdale Country School, 10
Song-Waves Choir, 16

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