1978 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Filed under Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category
Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and updated. Eventually to have embedded links to actual programmes or photos where they are available


6 January    -Concert and reception for staff of the U.N. Accounts Division
23 January    -Participation in the World Day of Peace celebration, at the invitation of the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations
25 January     -Concert in honour of India’s 28th Republic Day
Z1 January      -Tribute to Australia on its 190th founding anniversary
31 January       -Programme to honour Mr. Donald Keys, President of Planetary Citizens
3 February         -Cultural programme on the musical heritage of Sri Lanka
10 February        -Tribute to Abraham Lincoln
9 March         -Dinner in honour of International Women’s Day for women working in world affuirs
IS March       -Commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the Peace Corps
14 April         -Special peace meditation for the eighth anniversary of the group
30 May         -Musical lecture-demonstration of South Indian classical music by Under-Secretary-General for Inter-agency Affairs and Co-ordination, Mr.C. V. Narasimhan
12 June        -Meeting with Moraji Desai, Prime Minister of India
8 August            -Memorial service for Pope Paul VI
16 August       -New York City Mayor Edward Koch honoured Sri Chinmoy in a special ceremony
5 September     -Reception at the Jharna-Kala Gallery for Rafael Hernandez-Colon, Governor of Puerto Rico
11 September     -Prayer ceremony for Pope John Paul I
11 September      -Meeting with Elliot Richardson, United States Ambassador-at-Large and Special Ambassador to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
11 September     -Reception at the Jbarna-Kala Gallery for members of the U.N. community
24 October        -Observance of U.N. Day
24 October         -Meeting with Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, to present a new book
26 October         -Programme to honour India on the anniversary of  its entrance into the U.N.
3 November      -Programme to honour Liberia on the anniversary of its entrance into the U.N.
10 November    -Memorial tribute to American artist Norman Rockwell
14 November      -Programme to honour Panama on the anniversary of its entrance into the U.N.
20 November      -International Day of Thanksgiving observed
I December           -Commemorative programme for Eleanor Rooseve1t
5 December        -Programme to honour Italy and Japan on their respective anniversaries of their entrance into the U.N.
8 December       – Observance of Human Rights Day
IS December       -Programme to honour Austria on the anniversary of its entrance into the U.N.
IS December       -Reception for the Meditation Group given by Ambassador and Mrs. Zenon Rossides of Cyprus

Shows the scope of the activities – at United Nations headquarters and around the world – of Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group, in addition to twice-weekly meditations for peace at the United Nations