Programme “Panama Day” – in honour of join UN: 13 Nov 1945 – 14 Nov 1978
Filed under americas | UN AnniversariesAmbassador Jorge Illueca of Panama
addressed the Meditation Group at
a “Panama Day” programme on 14 November 1978, in honour of
Panama’s joining the United Nations on 13 November 1945.
The programme also included the performance of a new song composed by Sri Chinmoy about the Ambassador, as well as slides and music of Panama. An excerpt from Ambassador Illueca’s talk follows.
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Ambassador Jorge lllueca, Permanent Representative of Panama to the United Nations: Everything that is great and noble in this world is the product of meditation. Our modern world, with its technological prodigies and inter planetary adventures, has originated in the meditation of Copernicus, Galileo and others. If we move from the sphere of the concrete and tangible into the sphere of the great artistic creations, we find that meditation is the mirror of our mind and conscience, the world around us and our individuality.
Then we understand more clearly that meditation is the essential creative power of the human being. Meditation is not something static. At the United Nations meditation is a prelude to action, because action is only justified when it is in harmony with the ideals of peace, social justice and economic development, which are a constant guide to our great family of nations.
The association with the United Nations has been of the greatest benefit to Panama. Thanks to the many instruments of the United Nations, Panama has seen its desires and ideals achieved in a rather substantial manner. There is still a great way ahead, but now, thanks to the United Nations, the way on the road to full independence and sovereignty seems less difficult.
Ambassador Illueca!
Professor, Editor Illueca!
Barrister, Mentor Illueca!
Congressman, Chairman, President prominent,
Server, Brother Illueca!
A great illumination-mind
In you we find, in you we find.
A good perfection-heart
Has smashed darkness-dart.
A supreme oneness-life
Beyond ignorance-knife;
A God-satisfaction-soul-Within
your ken, your Goal.
Fuller extract from Nov 1978 Bulletin: “Meditation at the United Nations”
(Text below is from cut and paste of PDF OCR format , to be cleaned up/ edited when compared to the scanned page images in gallery below)
General Assembly, so important in shaping inter-national public opinion, Panama has seen its desires and ideals achieved in a rather substantial manner. There is still a great way ahead, but now, thanks to the United Nations, the way on the road to full independence and sovereignty seems less difficult. The history of Panama and the Panamanian p,’sonality have received the beneficial influer Cl of tr-United Nations and, ladies and gentlemen, let Uf recognise that this influence represents in its ett”f.:nce a spiritual order: the product of the medi-tation of governments and diplomats that, in our time, are compelled by the Charter to practise tOlerance and live together in peace with one aill)ti”,cr as 5’O\Jd neighbours, and to promote sOLla! p.,)g.~ss an;:.. better standards of life in human h_e-cL_TI _ For .ill t._ese reasons, the delegation of P [l( ,ne._ is very and honoured to part’ :i-p:e . n this act today which is reaffirn. at’ on of d-, T;nj·ed N1tions’ faith in fundamental human ri~lw, ;’1 .lle dignity and worth of the human pf’Tsnl1, in the ‘=qual rights of men and W(lTW”‘T} ill1d of nations lar~e and small. To conclude, I must say that meditation is not .s(}m(~thing static. At the United Nations medH3tlon i.s a p.-elud … tlJ action, lJecause action is only justi-fi_.:I .. h”‘,l i. is ~n harmony with the ideals ofpf’2._e, S( ‘:i.i jurtil-:;: nd ‘crno li, devel pI ent, -h:ch an-a ,:0 st rlt gl • d<-te o .. r L re t … Uy ‘ly of n -:i( .IS, (“le ~h(“ll(l n~~d:·at~ a-d thC71 act ~cc’)rr~nrly. In ti’p ~”m~ p”tl’-ral wa~ as has hc{”1 S~at .. tl, I “‘lotl.:: “If in the betrinninll was the birth, immediately tht’;-e was action.” On behalf of tne t)anamaman Go\’ernmcnr, d1(~ P … na.,nCi,li,,-,l peGpk a-.-.d .. 11 tht. m~~nLvtd of thf.: If
delegation of Panama, I wish to thank again Sri Chinmoy and his Meditation Group at the United Nations for having dedicated this day to celebrate the admission of Panama on l3 November 1945 to the United Nations system -that system which is the bulwark of peace, the place where the future of humanity is emerging, the cradle of the b est and noblest hopes of mankind. Thank you. After the programme, Ambassador I llueca thanked Sri Chinmoy: “Today you have touched something very significant in our inner being. W e feel that we have encountered some superior feelings in ourselves that are very, very nice. T here are really no words to express these feel1ngs. They are some-thing very good.
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