India Honoured – Anniversary of Join UN 1978 Oct 31

Filed under asia-oceana | UN Anniversaries

On 31 October 1978, Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations sponsored a programme in honour of the anniversary of India joining the United Nations (on 30 October 1945).

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The programme was opened with silent meditation and a musical dedication on the Indian esraj by Sri Chinmoy.


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Members of the Meditation Group singers then performed the song “Welcome, ” first in Bengali and then in English.

The guest speaker was Mr. Ghandikota Subba Rao, head of the new energy programme of the United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Other vocal and instrumental pieces followed. Below is an excerpt from Mr. Subba Rao’s talk.

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Mr. Ghandikota Subba Rao. I will now give you a little bit of the richness of that spiritual heritage of that ancient country which was not then called India, but was called “Bharat ,” The word “Bharat” actually means “the land of love of the splendour of God.” Its spiritual heritage is the heritage of humanity. “Bharat” does not refer to that geographical or territorial concept or entity as we know of India today.


Every person, according to the Indian philosophy, is a unique entity. Similarly, each nation has certain special features. That is why Sri Chinmoy has called the United Nations “a Garland of Nation-Souls.”  Each nation has its own role to play in this world system. In that world orchestra for peace and bliss each nation must sing its own tune, must deliver its own message, based on its own perceptions or visions.


Today we are sharing some of the thoughts which have arisen out of the great stream of Indian culture, whose roots go back to ancient days. That stream of spiritual disciplines for the discovery of the fulfilment of man has run for many ages in India. Here we see an expression, an embodiment, a personification of that stream, in Sri Chinmoy.

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Welcome Song – English

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Download more detail of talk in PDF format:

bu-scpmaun-1978-10-27-vol-06-n-10-oct-ocr-opt.pdf  (see scanned image-pages  28 to 36)

Galery of Scanned page images  28 to 36 Below

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Devoted Report to SG Page Image:

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