Receptions at the Jharna-Kala Gallery 1978 Sep 05 – 24 Sep

Filed under Art Exhibits | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

During the month of September 1978 Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations hosted a number of receptions at the Jharna-Kala Art Gallery, a colourful exhibition of more than 2,000 paintings by Sri Chinmoy, on display in Grand Central Station from August until November.

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On 5 September a special reception was held at the gallery in honour of former Puerto Rican Governor Raphael Hernandez-Colon, who was on a diplomatic mission to the United Nations concerning Puerto Rico ‘s relationship with the United States. Sri Chinmoy, whom the former Governor had previously proclaimed an “honorary resident of Puerto Rico , ” personally escorted Mr. Hernandez Colon around the gallery. The two had not seen each other for over two years.

Brief excerpts from their conversation follow.

For more detail see also: Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 09; 27 Sep 1978, Bulletin  

(see also scanned page image 8 to 19 in Gallery 3 below)-

Mr. Hernandez-Colon: You don’t know how much gladness is in my heart to be here with you, or perhaps you do, because you are able to read our hearts.

Sri Chinmoy: Every day you are in my prayers. Every day you are in my consciousness. Every day you are in my soulful meditation.

Mr. Hernandez-Colon: This opportunity to see you comes at a time when I am very much in need of help, because I am engaged in a very serious matter for Puerto Rico. I have thought about you very much during the past two years, always with the deepest respect, admiration and love. I had a great desire to see you and this desire has been fulfilled tonight.

(To the members of the Meditation Group present): I feel united with all of you and with Sri Chinmoy in our aspiration. I feel oneness in our souls. I feel that your hearts touch mine and that we are all together traveling on the same path.

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On 11 September Sri Chinmoy met with Ambassador Elliot Richardson, United States Representative to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. The two discussed their work at the United Nations and Sri Chinmoy presented Ambassador Richardson with an original Jharna-Kala painting. An excerpt from their conversation follows .

Sri Chinmoy: The sea represents consciousness and vastness. It reminds us of our own Infinity which we embody within ourselves. In the inner life , we give utmost importance to consciousness, and we try to keep it as high as possible through prayer and meditation.

Ambassador Richardson: Those are very inspired words. I shall certainly remember them in my own efforts at the Conference. . . .
You express with great eloquence the universal spirit of the United Nations. Whatever may be its problems, it constitutes the best hope we have for creating a more peaceful world order.

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Afterwards, Ambassador Richardson sent Sri Chinmoy a copy of his book The Creative Balance, with the following inscription: “To Sri Chinmoy – Artist, Musician, Thinker, Articulator of ideas, Communicator of insights, with the sincere admiration, respect and gratitude of a fellow laborer in the vineyard of peace.”

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During the evening of 11 September the Meditation Group hosted a reception at the gallery for members of the United Nations community. The guests enjoyed a programme of vocal and instrumental music featuring the newly composed “Four Universals*,” a series of songs by Sri Chinmoy, followed by a delicious vegetarian buffet dinner. Below is a comment about Sri Chinmoy’s art by Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus.

Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus writing comment

“Most works of modern art are form without spirit. The artists just put the form up there. But here it is the spiritual element which is the source.  Everything is run by the spirit, which has a different quality than is produced by the brain.  These paintings are like poetry, not like prose, with musical balance. Balance is justice with peace. There is this balance with the colours and again the balance with the shapes. There is also a blending of colours that shows harmony.

“Sri Chinmoy’s art expresses his own vision. This is not something taught. It is the way progressive life goes. The blending of colours and balance which the art gives are spirituality.

‘There is an atmosphere in this gallery that keeps you happy. So it is the spirit in it and the spirit behind it which creates this atmosphere.”

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On 24 September the staff of the United Nations Division of Public Administration and Finance were the guests of the Meditation Group at the Jhama-Kala Gallery for a special reception.

The members of the Division enjoyed instrumental music and light refreshments while they feasted their eyes on the unique art of Sri Chinmoy.

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*The Four Universals

Music Score for: Welcome,     Thank You and       Congratulations.                                                              Words for Song: Parting


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Page Images:

Click on images below for bigger photos:

Gallery 2:  (Photos from Sep 1978 JK in Grand Central events)

Gallery 3 = Scanned from Periodical Bulletin “Meditation at heUnited nations” Sep 1978 : page images 8 -19: