Eight Years of Service – SUMMARY – to the UN : Apr 1978
Filed under Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN AnniversariesOn 14 April 1978 Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations commemorated eight years of dedicated service to the United Nations community in a celebration of music and readings, held in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Below are excerpts from expressions of the Group’s gratitude for Sri Chinmoy’s tireless dedication to the Meditation Group and the United Nations since the Group’s founding in 1970, and Sri Chinmoy’s reply.
Reference Note:
- The fuller text ARTICLE with PHOTOS printed in the April 1978 Bulletin “Meditation at the United Nations” pp 06-09. is available. More>
- The below SUMMARY of the event first appeared in the 1978 Devoted Report to the Secretary-General
Mr. Kwandwo Ofosu-Benefo, Senior Officer, ESA:
We have been deeply blessed by your coming into our midst to lead us on the path of peace, oneness and love.
Of course, there have been many difficulties and trials, but with the strength and courage supplied by the Supreme Pilot and courage supplied by the Supreme Pilot Himself, we hope to be able to achieve much with your guidance and leadership.
Mr. Donald Keys, President, Planetary Citizens:
A great son of the East who came to the West in the fulness of his light made it possible for us to see more clearly, to love more purely, to understand more deeply and act more truly.
He has completed a thirteen-year cycle [Sri Chinmoy came to the West in 1964], performing the eternal role of a great Son, a redeemer, a transmuter and a transformer of ignorance and darkness, that mankind may set its foot on the path of return, that those who follow may find their way and that the world-body will be served and enlightened.
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Sri Chinmoy: Dear brothers and sisters, while walking along Eternity’s Road, I shall love and serve you. Just because you have given me the opportunity to love you and serve you, I shall constantly and eternally offer you my life of concern here on earth and my soul of oneness in Heaven.
We are all of the One, our Beloved Supreme. We came into the world to fulfil one soulful promise which we made to Him before we entered into this world arena. This promise was to please Him in His own way through our aspiration-heart and dedication-life . We shall without fail fulfil our solemn promise, for we know that our Inner Pilot, our fate-maker, will never allow us to remain unfulfilled.
As we said, Him to please in His own way we came into the world. Even so, our Beloved Supreme is always ready to please the real in us, the soul, which is inseparably one with Him. The soul is a blue bird which flies in the firmament of Consciousness, Light and Bliss, eternally singing only one song-the song of our Beloved Supreme’s constant Victory here on earth and there in Heaven.
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Reference Note:
- The fuller text ARTICLE with PHOTOS printed in the April 1978 Bulletin “Meditation at the United Nations” pp 06-09. is available. More>
- The below SUMMARY of the event first appeared in the 1978 Devoted Report to the Secretary-General