Mr. Donald Keys Honoured 1978 jan 31
Filed under Tributes and Expressions of appreciationOn 31 January 1978 the Meditation Group honoured Mr. Donald Keys, President of Planetary Citizens, for his five years’ support of and participation in the Meditation Group. Following are excerpts of remarks by Sri Chinmoy and Mr. Keys.
Sri Chinmoy: Dear Mr. Keys, dear brother, dear friend , dear fellow traveler along Eternity’s Road, your loving concern for and sympathetic oneness with the Meditation Group can only be felt and treasured, not described.
Unlike most of the servers of the United Nations, you not only serve the United Nations most adequately, but also you feel that it is your soul’s bounden duty to perfect the United Nations and show the world at large that the United Nations can and will eventually achieve perfect perfection.
You want to prove to the world that it can achieve its oneness-goal. The common run of man may well envy you, for you have achieved something extremely significant in this lifetime. You are the father, inspirer and harbinger of Planetary Citizens. With your momentous aspiration-heart and dedication-life, you have envisioned that East and West and North and South can easily enjoy a free and universal access to one another. Our Father Supreme, who is the Author of all Good, shall crown your supreme effort with eternal success.
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Mr. Donald Keys: Dear Sri Chinmoy and members of the Group, it has been a constant source of confirmation and support and strength for me to be part of this family, and experience in every word and in every act of Sri Chinmoy the articulation of what the rest of us dimly sense, held forth in full light for deep understanding and for our implementation in our lives and in our actions.
It has been an unfathomable joy to me to come to serve the United Nations, its spirit and its purpose. It has been an unbelievable blessing to find here so magnificent a spokesman, guide, teacher and constant inspiration as we have all found in Sri Chinmoy. I offer you my everlasting and boundless gratitude.
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Sri Chinmoy presents a five-year anniversary rose to Mr. Donald Keys as Mrs. Keys looks on .
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If you want to see the world with your human eyes, you can never see harmony.
If you want to see the world with the eyes of the world, you can never see harmony.
If you want to see the world with God’s Eye, then you will see that this world is nothing but cosmic harmony.
How do you see through God’s Eye?
You see only through constant self-giving to the Source within you. [*1]
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Each action of ours affects the world at large .
A state of mind can affect the entire being.
An individual can affect the entire humanity.
An iota of God’s Concern can illumine all of mankind. [*2]
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Reference Note:
[*1] Excerpt from a collection of poems. During a meditation at the United Nations on April 4, 1975, Sri Chinmoy invited members of the Meditation Group at the UN to give him spiritual words. As each word was offered, he spontaneously created a poem based on that word. The collection appears in, Beauty-Drops, Agni Press, 1975.
[*2] Excerpt from talk “You Or I?”, by Sri Chinmoy at the UN in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on August 2, 1973. Talk appears in, The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
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