Salute to the United Nations Security and Safety Service 1977 (A) Contents, Acknowledgements

Filed under Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

Special Issue of “Meditation at the United Nations”, the Periodic Publication of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

Salute to the United Nations Security and Safety Service

This is Part (A)

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Introduction to Publication and grateful acknowledgements (below)

Excerpt from Publication back cover (below)

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See also link to:

(B) Special Event: “A Salute to the Security and Safety Service” . 1

Introduction for Special event :

On 7 June 1977 the Meditation Group at the UN held a special function to honour the U. N. Security and Safety Service.. Colonel H.A . Trimble, Chief of the Service, described the functions and organization of the Service and then answered questions from the audience. Also speak’ing were Mr. Robert Muller, Deputy Under-Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs, and Sri· Chinmoy, leader of the Meditation Group. A transcript of the meeting is included

Mr. Robert Muller, Deputy Under-SecretaryGeneral for Inter-Agency Affairs

 Colonel H.A.Trimble, Chief of the Service,

  •  Describes functions and organization of Service
  • Questions and Answers

Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Meditation Group at the U.N.

Photos of Service members

(C) Interviews with the United Nations  Security Officers . 31

Several members of the Meditation Group at the UN conducted interviews with members of the different units of the United Nations Security and Safety Service, in order to obtain first hand accounts of their day-to-day experiences, as well as some of the unusual incidents that occasionally take place on the job. Included are some excerpts from these interviews.:

Assistant Chief Cecil Redman

Officer Herman Thome

Officer Frank Bobish

Lieutenant Maurice Clement

Officer Edward Lutz

Officer George Baldwin

Off£cer Garret Price

Lieutenant Benjamin King


Officer Robert Chittenden

Officer John Ala

Two particularly outstanding incidents in his U. N. experience

Officer Joseph Agazzi

assigned to Secretary-General U Thant’s home from 1969 to 1972_

2 Officers of “A ” Squad of the Tour Platoon

Officer  of “B” Squad of the Tour Platoon

Officer of “G” Squad of the Tour Platoon

Officer of “D” Squad of the Tour Platoon

(D) The Security and Safety Service as viewed by the News Media . 116

  • 49 U.N. GUARDS OFF TO PALESTINE TASK – By A.M. Rosenthal, Special to The New York Times, Sunday, June 20, 1948
  • TOUGHEST BEAT A COP EVER HAD By A.M. Rosenthal and Richard Witkin, The Saturday Evening Post June 23, 1951
  • COPS AND CRACKPOTS AT THE UN  By George May, Begley’s dzplomatic bouncers guard the gates at Lake Success, International Digest
  • U.N.’S “FINEST” WELL VERSED IN TACT By Cynthia Lowry; Police Force at Lake Success handle crowds with stiff courtesy, watch them like hawks and know all about protocol; Associated Press, November 22 , 1947
  • SECURITY; LAKE SUCCESS; The New Yorker, January 17. 1948
  • THE WORLD’S NO. 1 SECURITY CHIEF By Emile C. Schurmacher
  • UN SECURITY FORCE ACCENTS SHARP EYES; Long Island Press, Sunday, November 5, 1967
  • JOHN J. COSGROVE, Secretariat News, 30 April 1968
  • U.N. SECURITY CHIEF FACES TASKS By Tom Hoge, Associated Press Writer, Herald Statesman, Yonkers, N.Y., Friday, November 15, 1968
  • BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH; H. A. Trimble; Chief of Security, United Nations

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A Salute to the Security and Safety Service

Introduction to Publication and Grateful Acknowledgements

This book represents a humble attempt on the part of the Sr Chinmoy Peace Meditation Group at the U.N.* to offer due recognition to the extremely courteous and alert members of the United Nations Security and Safety Service. These men and women are the diplomatic, selfless and often brave members of our international Organization whose task it is to insure the orderly conduct of affairs at United Nations sites around the globe. By gaining insights into their work and experiences, the routine and the drama of their everyday life, we can more fully appreciate the efforts of these praiseworthy individuals.

The Meditation Group at the United Nations would like to take this opportunity to express its gratitude to all the members of the United Nations Security and Safety Service who were so helpful in the preparation of this book – in particular, those Officers who took time to share their personal experiences; Security Officer Tom Giuliani and Sgt. Al Smith, for making available the historical records of the Security and Safety Service; Senior Security Desk Officer Louis Torretta for his frequent and much needed assistance; and most of all, to Colonel H.A. Trimble, for his invaluable co-operation and advice.

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Note:  *UNMG and SCPMAUN.  Originally referred to simply as the United Nations Meditation Group when it was founded in 1970, after a few years the meditation group  became officially recognized as “Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations “

Excerpt from Publication back cover

 Perhaps the greatest goal in life is to be able some day to be proud of one’s life. The day I will leave this house after a lifetime of world service, I will be proud and I will not hesitate to proclaim my pride. Sometimes I think that I would feel honoured to wash the floor of this house, for on it tread humans from all over the world every day.

You see them come a million a year, children and adults of all races, languages and beliefs. They come to this building carrying in their minds their dreams and in their hearts their hopes. They feel that the U.N. is their building, the embodiment of their search for peace and happiness. It is refreshing to think that on a globe where there is still so much violence, indecency and disfigurement, there are those few islands, the United Nations sites, where one · can see cleanliness, decency, no graffiti, no disfiguration, an atmosphere of kindness. This we owe, to a very large degree, to our Security Forces.

–  Mr. Robert Muller, Deputy Under-Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs,

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See also detail of :

  • Part (A)  Contents with  Acknowledgement

  • Part (B)  Special Event: “A Salute to the Security and Safety Service”

  • Part (C)    Interviews with the United Nations  Security Officers

  • Part (D)   The Security and Safety Service as viewed by the News Media

  • Reception at the Jharna-Kala Gallery for the UN Community – 1977- sep-26

    • Sri Chinmoy presents “A Salute to the United Nations Security and Safety Service” to Chief of U.N. Security, Colonel Trimble.
  • One page Summary of event

  • “A Salute to the United Nations Security and Safety Service”

which appears in “Devoted Report to the Secretary-General 1977.

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PDF of booklet of day in 8 parts:

A  –  bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p001-006

B  – bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p007-036-event

C .1 – bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p037-075-interviews-1 interviews 1

C. 2  –bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p076-092-interviews-2 Interviews 2

C. 3  – bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p093-121-interviews-3 Interviews 3

D.1 —bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p122-153-news-1 News coverage 1

D.1 —bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p154-186-news-2 News coverage  2

E –    –bu-scpmun-1977- salute-un-security-p187-192-photos Photos Conference /Tour Platoons and back cover.


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