Seventh Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Summary
Filed under Significant events & meetings | UN AnniversariesOn 14 April 1977, the Meditation Group at the UN celebrated its seventh anniversary of service to the U.N. Community in the Chapel of the Church Centre for the United Nations. The programme included speakers, choral readings, a chamber group and the singing of twenty songs dedicated to the U.N. by Sri Chinmoy, who has been leader of the Group since its founding in 1970. A brief excerpt from the transcript of the ceremony follows.
For more see also : 7th Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Details and Photos
Dr. Robert Muller: We are celebrating today the seventh anniversary of the Meditat ion Group and Sri Chinmoy’s thirteenth year in the West. I have known you only for the past few months, but may I say to you briefly what I have learned from your Group and from your person.
I have learned first that you are giving to many of the United Nations staff a life dimension which goes well beyond their daily work, namely a spiritual dimension, an internal dimension. You are making them better people, deeper people, and by doing this you are giving them happiness. Members of the Meditation Group I know are generally profoundly happy people and this is due to a large extent to your teachings.
Secondly, I have learned that, thanks to your efforts, several thousand people around the world better understand the United Na tions. The U.N. is a little bud of hope in the long evolution of mankind, a bud that must be cared for, that must be loved and encouraged, that must be helped so that we may win once and for all the battle of peace against war, the battle of justice against injustice, the battle of kindness against violence. This is a prodigious task for the United ations and it doesn’t have many friends to perform it. But thanks to you, in many places of the world the true image of the United Nations is known, not solely the image of turmoil and conflict, but the luminous vision and dream of a good earth inhabited by good people . This is the deeper human story which goes on with the United Nations, this time on a world scale. You have perceived it very profoundly and you have been able to convey this momentous fact to your follower in faraway countries .
Mr. Kwadwo Ofosu-Benefo (to Sri Chinmoyl We are gra teful to you that when the clarion call sounded and you were invited to come to the United Nations and offer spiritual food to members of the United Nations community, you accepted the challenge . You did not shirk your responsibility, even though you knew that in these troubled days many people are skeptical about the power of religion to bring about peace, and the mere mention of spiritual development 0f people meets with derision in many quarters. The Meditation Group is now flowering.
For more see also : 7th Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Details and Photos
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