Receptions for U.N. Officials and International Women’s Day 1977
Filed under Other programmesThe Meditation Group sponsored several banquets early in the year for United Nations delegates and staff members.
Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, daughter of the late Secretary-General U Thant , and her husband, Dr. Tin Myint-U, were among the guests of honour at one of these dinners, held at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens on 8 February.
A number of officials from the various departments and organisations of the U.N. and members of the Women’s Guild also attended.
report here for 08 Feb event:
Additional Photos here:
Sri Chinmoy served the guests their food personally. The programme included a premier performance of several new songs by Sri Chinmoy dedicated to the United Nations, a short play and instrumental performances.
In continuation of the International Women’s Day activities on 8 March, women delegates were guests of honour of the Meditation Group at a dinner with entertainment also held at Annam Brahma Restaurant.
Click here for photoso of 08 March event
Photos to be added:
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