Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 02; 27 Feb 1977, Bulletin
Filed under z- no categoryContent Highlights:
February 1977 report on events
Presentation of Mazzone Sculpture .. .. …… .. ……. 6
Announcement of Geneva Meditation Group .. . .. 16
United Nations Meditation-Flowers . ……………. 19
Questions and Answers … ·continuation 0f series by Meditation Group members… . 28
To-morrow’s Noon .. …… .. .. . . …… .. . . ………….. 39
Songs by Sri Chinmoy dedicated to the United Nations …………….. .41
- Lie, Trygve Lie
- ·Our Ascending Hope
“Meditations for the Week” …… ……… .. ………. 43
Essay Contest … . . …………………………………. 45
Annam Brahma Banquet ……………………… .. . 48
Expanded Content List
(with descriptive narrative)
Presentation of Mazzone Sculpture .. .. …… .. ……. 6
Announcement of Geneva Meditation Group .. . .. 16
United Nations Meditation-Flowers . …..- short inspirational talks during the meetings of the Meditation Group……….. 19
Questions and Answers … ·continuation 0f series by Meditation Group members… . 28
- Is the United Nations destined to obtain spiritual power as well as political power?
- Are the people who work at the United Nations especially chosen to work by some higher force?
- How can we consecrate our lives to the soul of the United Nations?
- How can we best inspire the people we work with?
- How can we meditate on the soul of the United Nations?
- How can the strong and developed countries offer their guidance to the less developed countries without incurring resentment?
- What is the main problem or quality in the countries of the world which keeps them from acting according to the ideals of the United Nations?
- How can I work with true spontaneity and sincerity at the United Nations?
- What is the best way to bring a divine consciousness to everyday activities at the United Nations?
- How can the delegates and representatives at the United Nations best convey the ideal of the United Nations to their people in their countries?
- Each year, does the United Nations try to achieve something new and if so, what has it tried to achieve inwardly and outwardly this year?
- When we invite our co-workers who are interested in meditation but know nothing about it, is it preferable to just have them come and learn through silence or is it a good idea to explain meditation as best we can beforehand?
- What is the best way to unite the ways of politics and the ways of the soul of a country?
- When does God want His Name spoken?
- What stands between the outer goal of the United Nations and the inner goal of the United Nations?
- For how long did the Supreme have the Dream of the United Nations before the soul was born and it became a reality?
- What does the soul of the United Nations need most from the Member States?
- What is the spiritual significance of a photograph?
- How can we help the speed of the United Nations increase?
- How can we awaken spirituality in the other workers at the United Nations?
- As the United Nations evolves, will it become less of a politic al centre and more of a spiritual centre?
To-morrow’s Noon .. ….Sri Chinmoy presents interesting words in brief philosophical, whimsical or spiritual context. Series began in Dec 1976 issue of “Meditation the United Nations”.. .. .. . . …… .. . . ………….. 39
Songs by Sri Chinmoy dedicated to the United Nations …………….. .41
- Lie, Trygve Lie
- ·Our Ascending Hope
“Meditations for the Week” …… ……… .. ………. 43
Essay Contest … . . …………………………………. 45
In January, Mr. Joseph La Galia, a member of the Meditation Group at the UN, received Honorable Mention and a silver Papal medal in an essay contest sponsored by the Holy See Mission to the United Nations in celebration of World Peace Day, 1 January.
Annam Brahma Banquet ……………………… .. . 48
The Meditation Group at the UN sponsored a banquet on 8 February 1977 for United Nations delegates and staff members. Among the guests of honour were
- Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, daughter of the late Secretary-General U Thant , and her husband, -Dr. ·Myint-U.
- A number of officials from the various departments and organizations of the U.N.
- and members of the Women’s Guild also attended.
Sri Chinmoy served the guests their food personally. The affair was held at Annam Brahma Restaurant, in Queens.
The programme included a premier performance of several new songs by Sri Chinmoy, dedicated to the United Nations, a short
play and instrumental performances.
About the Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.
______ 1977 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – Details Below – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
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