Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 01; 27 Jan 1977, Bulletin

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Content Highlights:

January 1977 report on events

Questions and Answers … …. …………………….. 6

United Nations Meditation-Flowers     p. 18

Songs by Sri Chinmoy …… …. .. .. ………. …. .. …. 21

  • “I Know You Surely Can”
  • “With You Began”

U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry …..a programme of dedication…. 23

To-morrow’s Noon . … ….. … .. ….. ….. .. ……… .. . 41

A Welcome to Mr. Robert Muller …… .. …….. .. .43

Letter .. .- from President Carter’s Inaugural Committee. .. … 48

Expanded Content List

(with  descriptive narrative)

Questions and Answers … …. …………………….. 6

  • Can you describe the stage of evolution of the United Nations’ soul?
  • What does the outer world need in order to accept the real significance of the United Nations?
  • There seems to be a movement towards a mental realisation where countries are starting to work with parapsychology and mind control. Is this a step towards the heart or away from the heart?
  • How can we help people In the undeveloped countries?
  • How do we best deal with people who are actively opposed to the United Nations?
  • How can we work with dynamism and confidence at the United Nations?
  • What is the best way to serve the United Nations : through meditation or action?
  • How can both staff members and delegates of member nations understand that spirituality is a true base to build their goals upon?
  • Is it best to try to bring new seekers to our United Nations meditations, or just let them discover it on their own?
  • How has the consciousness of the United Nations affected America as a country?
  • How can one best serve the ideal of the United Nations when not working at the United Nations?
  • How can we instil a spiritual feeling in the work that we do, so that it will be conveyed to the people we work for?

United Nations Meditation-Flowers ….short inspirational talks during the January meetings of the Meditation Group, p. 18


Songs by Sri Chinmoy …… …. .. .. ………. …. .. …. 21

  • “I Know You Surely Can”
  • “With You Began”

U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry …..a programme of dedication…. 23

A programme of music and speech in tn’bute to the late Secretary-General U Thant took Place 21 January in the ECOSOC Chamber, the day before what would have been his 68th birthday.

  • U Thant’s daughter, Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, and her family were present as
  • Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus,
  • Ambassador Vinci of Italy and
  • Deputy Under-Secretary-General Robert Muller spoke movingly about the ex-Secretary-General.

  • Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Meditation Group at the UN , presented Dr. and Mrs. Myint-U with copies of his just published book,
  •  U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry, which contains comments and essays about U Thant by United Nations and other international figures . The book is available at the U.N. Bookshop. News of the programme for U Thant was broadcast in Burma the following day.

To-morrow’s Noon . … ….. … .. ….. ….. .. ……… .. . 41

A Welcome to Mr. Robert Muller …… .. …….. .. .43

On 7 January 1977, Sri Chinmoy welcomed Mr. Robert Muller, Director and Deputy to the Under Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination, as a member of the United Nations Meditation Group family, At that time Sri Chinmoy presented him with a copy of a tribute to U Thant that Mr, Muller had written, which the Meditation Group had printed as a special supplement to its Bulletin.

Letter .. .- from President Carter’s Inaugural Committee. .. … 48

At the invitation of President Carter’s/ Vice President Mondale’s Inaugural Committee, the Meditation Group ushered at the Inauguration Day early morning prayer  service held at Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C. Wearing pink or blue blazers ~in the subfreezing temperature, the Group gathered at 6:30 a,m, to pass out programmes, seat people and  generally help with a crowd which grew to 5,000,

The 8: 00 service was led by the Rev. Bruce Edwards of the Plains Baptist Church, who was assisted by :

  • Dr, Martin Luther King, Sr,
  • Sherill Milnes, baritone, and
  • Leontyne Price, soprano, of the Metropolitan Opera each sang a traditional hymn and
  • Ruth Carter Stapleton, sister of the President, read from the scriptures,

Following is a letter of appreciation from the Inaugural Committee for the Meditation Group’s assistance,

About the  Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.



______ 1977 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations

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