Meditation at UN – Vo 04, No 12; 27 Dec 1976, Bulletin
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December 1976 report on events
Questions and Answers ……..…………. …. …. … . 6
On 12 November 1976 Sn’ Chinmoy requested the members of the Meditation Group to ask him a question from any field of endeavour.,
Sri Chinmoy: I have repeatedly said, to work at the United Nations is not like working at any other place, To work at the United Nations, to serve the United Nations in any capacity-whether in the highest role or the lowest role – is a supreme honour. For each nation here is a solid branch of God’s Reality-Dream or Dream-Reality, Therefore, here we get the opportunity to discover and realise that we are of the One and for the many and, again, that from the many we have come to please the One …“
- how best fulfill our roles at the United Nations?
- what qualities on the material and spiritual plane can we offer to the UN?
- how fulfil the hearts and souls of the children of the world?
- will the Supreme send more real leaders to help support the UN?
- will representatives, especially of developing nations, begin to seek spiritual solutions to problems?
- what involved in establishing inner connection with the UN?
- what is most important to remember while working at UN?
- what role will music play in bringing about world oneness?
- how dedicate each task to the soul of the UN?
- are ideals of UN applicable to every area of our lives without exception?
- how feel small job at UN is really important to total spirit of UN?
- should body of UN remain fluid so soul of UN can easily manifest?
- how feel and show gratitude to the UN?
- how increase oneness with the soul of the UN?
- how become self-giving with spontaneity and joy?
- how see through God’s Eyes?
- how accept everyone who works at the UN as our very own?
To·morrow’s Noon …Sri Chinmoy presents interesting words in brief philosophical, whimsical or spiritual context. Series began in Dec 1976 issue of “Meditation the United Nations”.. .. . …………………………. 20
The Bicentennial Flames at the United Nations ………….. . ………… … ………. 22
Sri Chinmoy answered questions on the Bicentennial offered by the Meditation Group att he UN which were subsequently published in “The Bicentennial Flames at the United Nations“. Excerpts from this book follow.
- What could America’s contribution be to the family of natíons in the next two hundred years?
- How can we rekindle the significance of America in our hearts and in the hearts of others?
- What is the most important thing America has learned in her first two hundred years and what is the most important thing she has to learn now in order to make the fastest progress?
- What is the difference between political independence and spiritual independence?
- How can other nations feel their oneness with the United States in celebrating Bicentennial?
- Do the Bicentennial celebrations add strength to the soul oí America?
- Has the character of America changed significantly since the nation was born two hundred years ago?
- As our souls come forward on our birthday, does the soul of America also come forward during this Bicentennial year?
- Is there any special significance to the outer events which will occur this year?
- When the government of America was young, it seemed to have a greater spiritual aspiration. How can that be regained in the government today?
- How will the degree of unity in the spiritual community affect the spiritual progress of America?
- Is the soul of America satisfied with America’s outer and inner progress?
- Will the next two hundred years see the manifestation of the soul’s qualities?
- We celebrate the spirit of 1776. What exactly was that spirit, and also what is the spirit of the United States today?
- How can we incorporate the spirit and the outer activities of the Bicentennial?
- Is there any special quality that Americans can especially work on now to help bring forward all their potential divinity?
- How can American politics return to the spiritual values that they had during the time of the Founding Fathers and some of our earlier presidents?
- How can we regain the nobility and wisdom of the Founding Fathers in America today?
- Is the soul of America like a child that keeps on growing and developing?
- What is the spiritual significance of being two hundred years old?
- How can America make the most spiritual progress and how be of most service to the world?
- What does the soul of America always try to teach its American children?
- In the next two hundred years will the spiritual forces tend to manifest more than they have in the first two hundred years?
- As citizens of the United States, what can we do to help our development in the next century?
- When America emerged as a nation two hundred years ago, she stood forth as a symbol of hope, promise and freedom for the peoples of the world. How can she transmit these qualities to the world-body today?
- Is independence as spiritually significant for other nations as it was for the United States?
- How can the American people realise their love for the soul of America?
- What gift will the United Nations give to the United States on its Bicentennial?
- Is there an art form that is intimately tied to the soul of America, such as music is associated with Germany?
- What birthday gift would the Supreme want the soul of America to place at His Feet on this Bicentennial?
- How can American citizens learn to love their country more?
- How can American citizens best further America’s role in the world in the next two hundred years?
- We know that the United States is very powerful militarily and politically. In God’s scheme of things, what is the role of the United States in the evolution of mankind’s spiritual development?
United Nations Meditation-Flowers .. .- short inspirational talks during the meetings of the Meditation Group…………………….. 37
Song-“We Believe” . .On 27 August 1976 Sri Chinmoy set the Meditation Group motto to music.
“Meditations for the Week” . ………………. . . .. … 42
“Meditations for the Week” cards were offered to all who attended the regular weekly meetings of the Medüatz’on Group.
Letters ………… . . ……………………………. .. … 45
About the Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.
______ 1977 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations
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