Meeting with Secretary General Kurt Waldheim 1976 16 Jul

Filed under Role of meditation at UN - Practical Guidance | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation


At a meeting on 16 July 1976, Secretary-General Waldheim presents Sri Chinmoy with a silver medallion in appreciation of his work at the United Nations. During their first meeting Mr. Waldheim remarked: “You are praying for peace. I know what you are doing for us. I know it. I can feel it.”

ny278-1976-jul-16-ckg-with-SG-Waldheim-meda.At a meeting on 16 July 1976, Secretary-General Waldheim presents Sri Chinmoy with a silver medallion in appreciation of his work at the United Nations. During their first meeting Mr. Waldheim remarked: “You are praying for peace. I know what you are doing for us. I know it. I can feel it.”

 For more photos and text see also:  Meditation at UN – Vo 04, No 07; 27 Jul 1976, Bulletin


Download PDF of Periodic Bulletin “Meditation at UN” – Vo 04, No 07; 27 Jul 1976

* The two met again on 7 March 1977 and on 24 October 1978.

Gallery 1: from 1976 Jul 16 meeting:

Gallery 2:

JPG page-images (8 – 16) of  Periodic Bulletin “Meditation at UN” – Vo 04, No 07; 27 Jul 1976