Meditation at UN – Vo 04, No 04; 27 Apr 1976, Bulletin

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Content Highlights:

April 1976 report on events

Success and Progress ... .- Dag Hammarskjold Lecture from Thur , o4 Dec 1975 p.6

My Prayer . …- in tribute to National Day of Prayer (Friday, 5 March 1976) p. 8

Silence and Sound” – an Interfaith observance of the World Day of Prayer. The Meditation Group officially observed the Days of Prayer with a special function at the United Nations on Monday, 5 April 1976 > More

Concentration, Meditation and Contemplation – practical instruction.  (Note: Sat, 31 Jan 1976, Sri Chinmoy conducted a seven-hour public meditation in All Angels Church, Manhattan. The meditation was held in three sessions: one of three hours and two of two hours eaeh. During the first three-hour session, Sri Chinmoy gave the following instruction on concentration, meditation and contemplation: – p.10

Punishment .- a short talk (at the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations on Tue, 7 Oct 1975)  p. 14

Steve Powers Show ..- interview (Sat, 24 January 1976, Sri Chinmoy was interviewed on WMCA-AM radio on the Steve Powers Show with live questions from listeners ) . Transcript included here in p.15

Some Questions from this programme to be listed –

Music ..- aphorisms …(At a Classical Music Concert which the Mediation Group sponsored at the Unüed Nations on Wed, 25 Feb 1976, inspirational quotations on music were read out during the programme. p. 36

  • After silence , that which comes nearest to expressing the inexp ressible is music . –Aldous Huxley
  • The aim and final reason of music should be none else but the glory of God. –J.S. Bach
  • The manifestation of the Infinite in the finite forms of creation , is music itself. Music is the purest form of art a nd therefore, the most direct expression of beauty.- Rabindranth Tagore
  • Music is the’ language of the soul. It is through music that the Divine in us gets the opportunity to manifest itself here on earth.- Sri Chinmoy
  • There is no loftier mission than to approach the Divinity as near as possible, and to disseminate the divine rays among mankind. –Beethoven
  • Music must serve a purpose ; it must be a part of something larger than itself, a part of  humanity.-  P. Casals

Meditations for the Week … …… ………………… 38

Amai Ami Jante Giye …….- music and song p. 40

April Activities ………… . . . . .. ……………………. 43

  • World Health Day Programme Featuring a film showing of “Man Alive”. An interesting and informative documentary illustrating the many roles WHO play. in the world·wide fight against disease. THUR, 8 APR 1976, 1-2:30 p.m.  Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium.
  • The third talk of the Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series of 1976 “The Dream of the United Nations” Fri, 2 April, 1976; 1:00 p.m. Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium.


Guatemalan Relief Fund .. .- letter. (acknowledgement of proceeds of a bake sale held at the United Nations on 13 Feb 1976…………….. … …… 47

UNICEF Benefit: Vegetarian Luncheon .. – acknowledgement letter..(On Wed, 10 March 1976, the Meditation Group sponsored a benefit vegetarian luncheon for UNICEF)…..p. 48


About the  Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.



______ 1976 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations

Schedule for May …………………. . . . .. …………. 42

– – – – – – – – – – –  –  – –  Details Below – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – –


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