Interfaith Observance – World Day of Prayer 1976 April

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Silence and Sound” – an Interfaith observance of the World Day of Prayer. The Meditation Group officially observed the Days of Prayer with a special function at the United Nations on Monday, 5 April 1976

An Inter-Faith Observance of The World Day oí Prayer at the United Nations


Opening Silent Prayer – Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Meditation Group at he UN.

Prayers for Peace and Progress *

  • Pir Vilayat Khan, Head of the Sufi Order in the West
  • Reverend Nakajima, Director, New York Zen Center
  • Rabbi Mare H. Tanenbaum, National Director, Inter-religious Affairs, The American Jewish Committee.
  • Edna McCallion,  Director, U.N. Office, Church Women United
  • Dr. Hosny Gaber, Director, Islamic Center of New York
  • Munishree Chitrabhanu, Founder, Jain Meditation International Center

“O United Nations” -Sung by members oí the Meditation Group at the United Nations

Concluding Silent Prayer – Final prayer oí the Observance by the Representatives joining together on stage for this offering. Sri Chinmoy will end this prayer by bowing and chanting ‘OM’.

* Each reading will be followed by a short interlude of music.
Sol Montlaek, violin;  Mary-Ellen Shepley, flute;  Phil Hirschi, cello

Prayer is struggle when I want to be an all-knowing mind.
Prayer is nectar when I want to be an all-dedicating life.
-Sri Chinmoy

Pir Vilayat Khan

     Prayer is the power behind the whole forward march of man ‘s evolution on the planet because it is an expression oj his realisation of the totality oj which he is a part, and the perfect model of which he is the exemplar, and the consciousness behind his consciousness, and the one and only presence which he realises when he forgets his self in glorification.

     Most gracious Lord, Master, Messiah and Saviour of humanity. We greet Thee with all humility. Thou art the First Cause and the Last Effect, the Divine Light and the Spirit of Guidance, Alpha and Omega. Thy Light is in all forms, Thy Love in all beings: in a loving mother, in a kind father, in an innocent child, in a helpful friend, in an inspiring teacher. Allow us to recognize Thee in all Thy holy names and forms: as Rama, as Krishna, as Shiva, as Buddha. Let us know Thee as Abraham, as Solomon, as Zarathustra, as Moses, as Jesus, as Mohammed, and in many other names and forms, known and unknown to the world. We adore Thy Past; Thy Presence deeply enlightens our being, and we look for Thy Blessings in the future.
O Messenger, Christ, Nabi, the Rasoul of God! Thou whose heart constantly reaches upward, Thou comest on earth with a message as a dove from above when dharma decayeth, and speaketh the Word that is put into Thy mouth, as the light filleth the crescent moon. Let the state of the Divine Light shining in Thy Heart be reflected in the hearts of Thy devotees.
May the Message of God reach far and wide, illuminating and making the whole of humanity as one single brotherhood in the Fatherhood of God.

Reverend Nakajima

In Zen Buddhism we ask that the wisdom of the Buddha shine in us. We bow to each other as a sign of mutual respect and direct our love and compassion to all forms of life. We express our sincere wish that we may realize the way of the Buddha together with all sentient beings.

      May the wisdom of the All-Compassionate One so shine within our hearts and minds that the mists of error and the foolish vanity of self may be dispelled. So shall we understand
the changing nature of existence and reach spiritual peace.

     We surround all men and all forms of life with infinite love  and compassion. Particularly do we send out compassionate thoughts to those in suffering and sorrow; to all those in doubt and ignorance, to all who are striving to attain Truth; and to those whose feet are standing close to the great change men call death, we send forth oceans of wisdom, merey and love.

     The Dhammapada Sutra says:
He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me.  In those who do not harbour such thoughts hatred will cease.  For hatred is not overcome by hatred; hatred is overcome by
love. This is an old rule.

     In conclusion:
May this compassionate dana be extended to all beings and may our genuine and sincere wish to achieve the way to Buddhahood together with all sentient beings be granted.

Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum

Prayer has been a tradition since the days of Abraham. It has always been a most important element in the make-up of human beings, who in their nature felt the need to communi’cate
with the Almighty, Creator of all humanity …

Be it thy will to annul wars and the shedding of blood from the universe, and to extend a peace, great and wondrous, in the universe.
“Nor again shall one people raise the sword against another and they shall learn war no more. ”
-Excerpt of a prayer ascribed to Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav

May we see the day when war and bloodshed cease, When a great and wondrous peace embraces the world. When one nation shall not threaten another and we shall not again experience war.
Bless us, O Lord, with peace. We are greedy for gain, pursuing profit While soldiers pursue each other far away.
Nations squander their young men’s lives on a spree.
Even Abraham was stopped; he did not sacrifice his son. Help us to seek peace, O Lord, and to pursue it.
Hungry children starve our souls.  Naked children expose us. Slaughtered children kill our hopes; We are wretched in their parents’ sorrow.
Heal us, O Lord ; help us to turn to each other. Let us make no peace with hunger or oppression, Let us make no peace with hatred or with fear.
Let love and justice flow like a mighty stream,
Let peace fill the earth as the waters fill the sea. May the curses of the old year end. May the blessings of the new year begin. Amen.
Boruch ato adonaí oseh ha ‘shalom.


Edna McCallion

Christian prayer is prayer in the spirit of Christ who experienced God as Father. Jesus did not confine Himself to any one  form of prayer. He found the Father with others as well as alone. His prayers of praise, supplication and thanksgiving to the Father were offered simply in His own words.

The Christian mystics tell us that our Vocation is “waiting on God. This is not an effort of the will but a motionless expectancy directed to His Presence. Praying means letting go with nothing to hold onto, and falling upwards to the surprises that lie at the heart of creation

.O God, we thank you for your patience and generosity with us. We rejoice that we are beginning to realize that peace and progress do not come from the accumulation of material wealth or the extension of material standards by affluent societies.

Our Father, pour forth your grace and help us realize that peace and progress toward the kingdom of Cod will come when we recognize each person in our global family as our brother or sister; when we share our bread rather than our armaments; when we protect human rights wherever they are violated; when traditions and society discern the hand of Cod in the rising awareness of the new image of women as full partners with men in all aspects of life; when in the midst of many de-humanizing pressures we concern ourselves with the quality and essential values of life.

Lord, hear our prayer for peace with justice for all our brothers and sisters; that we may fully realize the interdependence of our global society and foster a true sense of planetary solidarity.

O Lord, thank you for this age of your spirit in which we are living. In this age of convergence when we are asking the searching questions – What does it mean to be human? What is life all about?

In the words of Jesus, we pray:

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Cive us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.” Amen.



Dr, Hosny Gaber

Prayer is the first and most important religious duty for a Muslim, By prayer, the believer invokes the attributes of God, Through this, man eases himself from the evil feelings inside him, and thus, he can freely express his heart’s eagerness to supplicate devoutly to the Almighty, In the course of prayer, a believer, while prostrating himself to the ground in humility, raises his mind and heart to God, In his conversation, he adores his Creator and Sustainer for His favours and bounties, From Him he seeks forgiveness, and purity of soul and mind,

In the name of God, The Benificent, The Merciful

Praise be to God, The Cherisher and The Sustainer of the Universe, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Your Aid, O God, we seek; guide us to the right way.

O Our Lord, You created all races from a single pair. You raised us into different nations with different cultures, races and Languages in order that we might have interest in acquiring better knowledge of one another.

O Our Lord, make us strong hearted and united in our purpose. Let us remember Your favour , when You called us to gather here and join our hearts for the cause of mutual under· standing that has common benefits for ourselves and our nations. So by Your Grace we stand here like brothers.

O Our Lord, Jet not suffer the work of any of us to be lost in this blessed moment. For we gather in the spirit of Human Brotherhood and Universal Goodness. Help those who believe in the Almighty Presence and make those who follow Your way grow in human freedom and universal fellowship.


Munishree Chitrabhanu

In Jainism, prayer is an address to one’s Higher Self. It is a silent communication between mind and higher soul so the life is transformed into beauty, truth, goodness and benediction.

I bow to the conquerors of inner enemies in order that I may conquer my own Inner enemies.

I bow to all the perfected Souls in order that I may attain perfection.

I bow to all masters who practised before they taught.

I bow to all the teachers who have illumined the path of the seekers.

I bow to all seekers on the spiritual path without any discrimination of time or place.

These are the five benedictions which keep us from all harm.

These are the five most sacred of all benedictions.

“O United Nations” – Song in dedication to the United Nations

O United Nations, O U.N.

You are the world·body

Crying for the world·soul.

And you are the eanth·life

Longing for oneness-goal.

In the heart of your glowing dream,

Big brothers and brothers small

Shall smile, sing and dance-

O Vision-Perfection in all.

Sri Chinmoy


Co-sponsored by the International Cooperation for Peace Committee and the Meditation Group at the United Nations.

1988-12-dec-31-student-of-peace-pir-vilayat-khan-1976-04-apr-05Pir Vilayat Khan, Head of the Sufi Order in the West: “You are a true representative of the spirituality of our home, India. E”er since I met you for the first time, the link between us has always grown in strength …. I want to say how much I value the meaning of that bond, because it is one of true dedication to the service of God.” (World Day of Prayer Commemoration, United Nations. 05 April 1976)


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Report in Anahata Nada: May 01 1976


Leaders of Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Jain, Buddhist and Sufi religious groups met together here last month to observe a World Day of Prayer. For several years this has been observed by Christian women’s groups around the world, but this is believed to be the first time the ceremony included other faiths.

The programme opened with a silent meditation for peace and progress by Sri Chinmoy, Director of the United Nations Meditation Group. Then a series of prayers were offered by the different spiritual leaders, alternating with brief musical interludes of violin, flute and cello. At the conclusion, one of the participants, Pir Vilayat Khan, came up to Sri Chinmoy and greeted him warmly on the stage, and the two spiritual leaders exchanged blessings. Pir Vilayat Khan, a close friend of Sri Chinmoy, is head of the Sufi Order in the West.

The prayer day observance was sponsored by the Meditation Group at the UN and the International Cooperation for Peace Committee.