Meditation Group Programmes in Secretariat News 1975 Nov 28
Filed under media coverage Text & Photos | Music and SongsUnited Nations Headquarters, New York ‘
Meditation Group
UNIS – UN Day Celebration – 24 Oct : Ahsrita the Magician and Irving the Fire-eater thrilled youngsters at the UN International School (UNIS) during a UN Day celebration programme there on 24 October. In addition to performances by Meditation Group members, the children, who were dressed in the clothing of their homeland. sang songs from countries around the world.
Halloween Party +* 25th Anniversary of “Trick or Treat for UNICEF” 30 October. .. .. ~ Children of the UN community and their parents were entertained by TV star Sonny Fox, Ashrita the Magician, Mrs. Linda Serlin of UNICEF and others at a Halloween party for UNICEF held 30 October in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Mr. Henry Labouisse, Executive Director of UNICEF addressed the gathering and accepted a small tree and proceeds of a UN1CEF Bazaar, sponsored by the Meditation Group, from Sri Chinmoy who also meditated with the children.
Meditation for UNDP at Alcoa Building 29 Oct + 19 Nov: In response to the request of a number of UN Development Programme (UNDP) P staff whose schedule often made it difficult for them to attend the regular Tuesday and Friday meetings, Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Meditation Group, held a short meditation, spoke and answered questions on the spiritual life at the Alcoa building on 29 October and 19 November during the lunch hour. Future meditations will follow.
“World Unity, Song of the Soul” Oct 28 Fine classical music and speakers:
- Mr. Joseph Eger, Musical Director of the Symphony for UN;
- Mr. David Simon, Dean of the Manhattan Schoo1 of Music and
- Mrs. Josephine Whitford, Dean of students at the Manhattan School
combined to make “World Unity, the Song of the Soul” an enjoyable and memorable musical programme. Dedicated to the ideal of music as an instrument: for world peace, the programme was co-sponsored by the International Co-operation for Peace Committee and the Meditation Group at the U.N.
- It began with a short meditation led by Sri Chinmoy and
- included performances of music by Bach, Chopin, Brahms. Debussy and Rachmaninoff.
- Mr.Simon explained [he relationship of music and man: “… Where words, languages and translations are likely to fail, music is understood in every corner of the world.”
- Mr. Eger outlined the guiding principles of the new UN Symphony: “We: .. are dedicated to unity and oneness, and we think that a wonderful means is music, music from all lands…to promote the aims of the Charter, of peace and of a better world.”
- Mrs. Whitford shared her memories of a visit Pablo Casals made to the UN in 1971.
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