Invitation to Friday meetings 01 Mar 1973
Filed under Learn to meditateSri Chinmoy’s Invitations to Friday Meetings
Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium March 1, 1973
(after the monthly lecture)
(below is from scanned printed version – it can be improved using word , eg. remove extra line breaks)
Every Friday we hold a most special and sublime meditation in a conference room of the Secretariat Building, for those who work at the United Nations. I wholeheartedly welcome the members of the United Nations who would like to join us in our meditation.
After meditation I give a very short talk and answer questions, but I wish to say that no matter how many hours I talk about Peace, Joy, Love, no matter how many years I go on speaking, I will not be able to give these qualities to anyone. But when you concentrate with me on Peace, Light, Bliss, Satisfaction, even for five minutes, I assure you that if you do it soulfully your inner being will be inundated with Peace, Light, Bliss and divine Satisfaction.
I offer my most sincere invitation to those who are members of the United Nations to come and join us any Friday between one and two o’clock in conference room nine or ten. I am given the golden opportunity
by the United Nations authorities to be of
service to the United Nations, and all those who are participating with me in this meditation should feel that they are building a palace of Peace and Love.
You are serving your nations in a specific way, and since you are joined together with other nations you are serving the entire world. When you come to meditate with this group you receive peace, you become
peace for half an hour or forty-five minutes.
To become peace for even five minutes a day is a most difficult task, one which millions of people on earth have not yet accomplished. Individual accomplishment
is not our goal, but it is through individual
accomplishment that we can grow into collective accomplishment.
If five people are soulfully meditating
on peace today, then tomorrow ten people will do it.
As undivine forces spread all around – forces of fear,
doubt, anxiety, jealousy, aggression – so also divine
forces spread all around provided we give them a
chance. “Here the divine forces of Peace, Joy, Love,
Satisfaction and Fulfilment are being nourished and
encouraged in a divine way.
Once more I make a fervent request to all the
members of the United Nations to join us in our
heart’s prayer to the Supreme and in our meditation
on the supreme Reality, which is Love, Peace, Harmony.
All those who are spiritually crying for Peace
inwardly, silently and soulfully in addition to their
outer work for peace, are bringing world peace much
closer to the realm of possibility.
If our inner beings are surcharged with divine
Peace, Love and the feeling of Oneness, where will all
this inner wealth go for its fulfilment? It will immediately
manifest itself in the outer world of reality.
It is in the outer world that the inner world manifests
itself. As long as we have no peace within, we can
create no peace without. Right now those who are
meditating for world peace are very few in number,
but these very few are building up a palace of Peace
which will one day house the entire world. The more
builders there are, the faster this palace of Peace will
be raised. And this Peace is eternal in the heart of
mankind; this Peace is infinite in the life of the earth.