Meditation Group 2nd anniv – Excerpts – Sri Chinmoy’s lectures at UN 1970-1972
Filed under Talks about the UN Heart-Home | Talks and Meditation themes | UN AnniversariesDEDICATED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, U THANT
Meditation Group 2nd Anniversary
Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s lectures delivered at the United Nations,
Cover photo:
Sri Chinmoy, Spiritual leader of the Meditation Group at the UN, meeting Secretary-General U Thant, February 29, 1972. (Photo by Agni – Mr. Jose Casanova)
The Garland of Nation Souls …
A garland is the embodiment of God’s Smile and man’s achievement.
God’s Smile is supremely expansive and man’s divine achievement is eternally impressive.
Now where is the garland of nation souls? It is precisely here, inside the
Boat of the United Nations.
Who deserves to be garlanded? Undoubtedly the seeker-Pilot U Thant.
This able, genuine and divine Pilot of ours is blessed with a far-reaching,
growing vision and a wide, expanding energising Reality.
Our Secretary-General, U Thant,
the supreme Pilot of the United Nations’
Boat is piloting a countless number of
the human family with his wisdom-light
to the shore s of dream- fulfilled Reality.
Inside the heart of the learning humanity,
his wisdom-tree is growing slowly,
steadily, significantly and triumphantly.
It is not in vain or without any purpose
that the United Nations has come
into existence. God’s Vision has to be
manifested here on earth. Now the
elite mankind, the suffering mankind,
the sacrificing mankind, need a place
for their fulfillment. Here in the United
Nations we see the message of that fulfilment
in a particular manner.
* * *
Consciously, unconsciously, the
world is receiving the Light of the United
Nations. When it is a matter of recognition,
it may not be fully recognized.
It is deplorable that it is not recognized.
* * *
Each nation wants to be united with
the rest of the nations. United Nations
means the usefulne ss of the united notions,
united thoughts, united feelings and the
expansion of oneness, where unity can
be fulfilled through manife sted multiplicity.
This is what we see and feel
in the heart of the United Nations.
* * *
Each nation ha s a soul of its own.
The soul is at once God’s illumining
activity and the nation’s fulfilling capacity.
Each nation is the involution of its
highe st light and the evolution of its
inmost power.
When a na tion ‘s oute r life li sten s
to the inner dictate s of its soul, its
earthly desires decrease, its heavenly
aspirations increase; its human wants
are lessened, its divine needs are
heightened; it envisions the Truth
Transcendental and grows into God’s
Pride Supreme.
The nation that soulfully crie s for
inner development and devotedly crie s
for the outer growth can alone be in the
vanguard of the teeming nations •..
Why does a nation fail?
A nation fails because it does not
want the sustaining truth to be on its
When doe s a na tion fall ?
A nation falls when it deliberately
and vehemently resists the idea of
being on the side of truth.
– 11-
How can a nation succeed?
A nation can succeed by pursuing
the practice s of following the truth within
and without. The very pursuit of truth
can make the existence of a nation free,
meaningful, purposeful and fruitful.
– 12 –
How can a nation flouri sh ?
A nation can flourish when it see s
no difference between the Creator and
the creation; when it loves the world,
not for what the world will give in return,
but when it loves the world for the sake
of love.
The Banner of Truth, the Banner of
Light, will be carried from here by the
Light that the United Nations embodies.
The length and breadth of the world will
not only treasure and cherish the soul
of the United Nations, but with enormous
pride it will claim the soul of the United
Nations as its very own, all-loving, allnourishing
and all-fulfilling.
… Aspiring
for Universal Oneness …
– 15-
Western dynamism and Eastern
spirituality are two wings of God, the
Eternal Bird, that will carry the message
of earth’s aspiration to the highest abode
of the Supre me, and will bring down the
message of infinite Compassion from the
highest abode of the Supreme to the aching,
crying consciousness of Mother Earth.
When Western dynamism and Eastern
spirituality become inseparably one, God
will be known as a fulfilled Man, and man
will be known a s a perfect God.
Dynamism is life’s capacity.
Spirituality is the soul’s necessity.
The aura of outer succe s s surrounds
a dynamic man.
The aura of inner progress surrounds
a spiritual man.
Dynamism serves God.
Spirituality loves God.
– 18 –
The blessed aspirants who cry for the
transcendental Truth, Peace, and Bliss
are undoubtedly the chosen few.
Theirs is the task sublime to realise
God’s universal and transcendental
Consciousne ss.
Theirs is the bounden duty to reveal
God and fulfil God on earth.
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The ascending aspiration of the fully
awakened souls and the de scending ble ssing.
Light of God can eventually transform the
face of the entire globe.
– 20-
In the life of aspiration we come to
re a lise that love is truth embodied and
that truth is love revealed.
-21 –
God’s Love for man is man’s aspiration.
God’s Compassion for man is man’s
God’s Concern for man is man’s
– 22-
Divinity employs the soul, asks the
soul to be the boatman that will ply between
the shores of the finite and the Infinite.
Humanity employs the soul to be the
boat so that it can carry the load, the
burden of humanity to the world beyond.
If we want to grow into God’s Light,
if we want to grow into the Light of the
Beyond, the ever-transcending Beyond,
then every day, every second, we must
make ourselve s feel that we are an
ever-dedicated heart, and that we are
an ever- surrendering, ever -fulfilling
and manife sting chosen Instrument and
Torch-bearer of the Supreme.
Dedication is delight, the delight of
the hea rt. When we dedicate ourselves
to something, to someone, our very
dedication expands our consciousne ss
and our oneness with something real,
Each time we dedicate something
of ours, we expand our love for God,
our love for mankind, and our very
reality, our earth-bound reality, is
transformed into a heavenward journey.
– 25 –
Acceptance of life is the divine pride
of true spirituality.
To live a spiritual life is our only
re sponsibility.
Acceptance of life divine is the transcendence
of human ego.
The transcendence of ego is man’s
real dignity and true worth.
The spiritual life is never an escape
from reality. On the contrary, the
spiritual life is the conscious and
spontaneous acceptance of reality in
its totality.
The idea of an escape from reality,
for a spiritual seeker is absurdity plus
impossibility, for spirituality and reality
need each other to be supremely fulfilled.
-28 –
In the material world, man needs
material wealth. He needs material
wealth to enjoy earthly life. Meditation
man needs to live a heavenly and fulfilling
He who meditates consciously dedicates
his life to God. He who dedicates his life
to mankind devotedly and soulfully, meditates
on the re al God.
What is meditation?
Meditation is man’s constant awareness
and conscious acceptance of God.
Meditation is God’s unconditional
offering to man.
Meditation is the connecting link
between our role in the cosmic play,
the divine Lila, and our goal, ultimate
Goal, in God’s ever-evolving universe.
Man’s role is his conscious selfsurrender
to the Will of the Absolute
Supreme. This is his only role.
Man’s goal, the Goal of goals, is
in constant self-surrender. Self
surrender to whom?
Will of the Supreme.
To the absolute
Meditation is self-transcendence.
Self-transcendence is the me ssage
of the Be yond .
The me s sage of the Beyond is God
the All, God the eternally fulfilling Goal.
God’s Power of Love has three gifts
to offer: aspiration, liberation and
Man’s power of love also has three
gifts to offer: possession, frustration
and destruction.
Human justice is fairness.
Human justice is a threatening force.
l:Iuman justice is a binding law.
Divine Justice is Love.
Divine Justice is self- giving Concern.
Divine Justice is fulfilling, fruitful
War and peace ..•
Man invents war.
Man discovers peace.
Man invents war from without
and discovers peace within.
-35 –
T·he smile of war is the flood
of human blood.
And the smile of peace is love,
Love divine, below, above.
The animal in man wants war,
war to devour the sleeping, snoring
The divine in man needs peace,
peace to feed the hungry world.
The outer peace and the inner peace.
The outer peace is man’s compromise.
The inner peace is man’s fulfilment.
The outer peace is manls satisfaction
without being satisfied at all.
The inner peace is manls satisfaction
in being totally and supremely fulfilled.
If a person wants to have peace, real
peace, then he has to realise that not
by possessing the world, not by governing
the world, will he have peace.
But it is by offering to the world at large
what he has and what he is, consciously
and unreservedly, that he will have peace.
Peace, world peace, begins when
the so- called human expectation ends.
Expectation in a human way has to come
to an end if world peace is to be achieved.
World peace can dawn only when each
individual realises the supreme Truth:
“Love is the revelation of life, and
Life is the manife s ta ti on of Love. ”
Peace is the beginning of love.
Peace is the completion of truth.
Peace is the return to the Source.
o Lord, where is the Truth?
“Where your Beloved is. ”
Who is my Beloved, who?
“In Whom your life is peace. “
We Believe . . .
. .. that each man has the potentiality of reaching the Ultimate Truth.
We also believe that man cannot and will not remain imperfect forever.
Each man is an instrument of God.
When the hour strike s, each individual soul listens to the inner dictates of God.
When man listens to God, his imperfections are turned into perfections,
his ignorance into knowledge, his ‘searching mind into revealing light
and his uncertain reality into all fulfilling Divinity.
– Sri Chinmoy
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