

“Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations” is an association of delegates, staff, accredited press and NGO representatives. Sharing a common aspiration for peace and supporting the highest goals of the United Nations, we meet for regular periods of silent meditation and other programmes.

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Founder and early history of the Meditation Group.

In the spring of 1970, at the invitation of then Secretary-General U Thant, Sri Chinmoy began conducting twice-weekly non-denominational meditations for peace for United Nations staff members, delegates, non-governmental organizations (NGO) representatives and affiliates.

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From time to time the meditation group offers special programmes on various themes, often co-sponsored in cooperation with other UN entities or countries’ missions to the United Nations.

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A Meditation Experience

Learn to meditate

Questions and Answers (Q&A)

Role of meditation at UN – Practical Guidance


A Moment’s Peace

Highlights stories, thoughts, poems, quotations and update  bulletin:

  • The collection:  inspiring stories and activities updated or consolidated from recent posts of members’ experiences (more);
  • Poems: A section  of rotating short quotations and poems related to the goals of the United Nations  community and striving for inner or outer peace;   (more) and
  • “A Moments Peace – update” Periodic short bulletin in electronic and paper format. Recent excerpts from this page and related sources (e.g “quiet spaces…”) (more)
  • See also  Quiet spaces within the working world. (more)

Peace Meditation Programmes.

The Meditation Group offers special programmes on various themes, often co-sponsored in cooperation with other UN entities or country Missions to the United Nations (more)

Learn to meditate:

Members of the Meditation Group provide introductory lessons and also point out books or other material that might help new  or more advanced seekers to deepen their experience (more)

  • Music for meditation: Many people find it easier to meditate with music. We offer some links and suggestions which have been found useful  (more)

Founder and early history of  the Meditation Group.

Invitation from Secretary-General U-Thant in 1970 and the beginning of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN  (more)

Thoughts from  the UN community. Secretaries-General and others have offered their spiritual insights and vision of the future of humanity, world cooperation, unity and “Oneness” (more)

“A Moment’s Peace” Highlighted stories, thoughts, poems and quotations:

  • The collection:  inspiring stories and activities updated or consolidated from recent posts of members’ experiences (more);
  • Poems: A section  of rotating short quotations and poems related to the goals of the United Nations  community and striving for inner or outer peace;   (more) and
  • A Moment’s Peace – update: Periodic short bulletin in electronic and paper format, of recent excerpts from this page and related sources  (e.g “quiet spaces…”) (more)

Notable Images (photos), (videos);  Illustrative time line (activity by date);  UN community (orientation resources),  (Good News, and uplifting initiatives)

 Contact the Meditation Group. Find out more information or learn of ongoing programmes and upcoming events  (more)



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April 0f 2020 will mark the  50th Anniversary of the ongoing Peace Meditation led by Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations.

As time and resources allow, we will continue to add information about the hundreds of multifarious programmes and activities from 5 decades associated with the Peace Meditation Group at the UN .

The information on this site is presented as a service and does  not necessarily represent the official views of any person or organization including the United Nations or its Agencies.


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